My heart it bleeds.
Continually trickling forth, seeping ever outwards.
The sharp pain of my wounds like fire burning the edges,
yet deeper still inside is where it hurts most.
And I am reminded everytime I see the two of you together,
your tender affection towards one another is like bellows to the embers.
I don't hate her for what she did, taking you away from me;
I loathe myself.
The suffering that I endure is relentless & endless.
Fading away from within leaving a weakened heart inside a hollow shell behind.
With you now gone I am left behind with self pity for company,
wrapping it's tendrils around me as I try to sleep at night.
I cannot escape the anguish and am reminded of my agony further
whilst your fondness for each other is shown before me.
The hurt is such that I become incapable of breath
and lie in my bed not even able to cry.
And this is what love is, the way I receive thee.
And this is what love has for me?
Unknown "Proserpina" Inspired
- 17 years, 24 days ago