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Achuth | - Free online hangout and friends
World On Fire
World On Fire owns this human at 14480 points.



Achuth , 36/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:12:08 AM
Join date:17 years, 4 months, 3 days ago
Location: Chennai India

"and the stream ran through the misty woods..."
About me:
Hmmm.... Lemme say.... I am quite friendly, usually happy (when i am not depressed, as i often am!!), cheerful and lively.... Love reading, write once in a while.... Also love sports, Nature (!!).... Hate war, detest imperialism!! I snap only when provoked!! AND I AM EXTREMELY HAPPY WITH MY CURRENT OWNER... PLEASE DON'T BUY ME WITHOUT HER CONSENT!! I WILL MOST PROBABLY RUN AWAY... hehe.... dats abt all i guess!!
About you:
hmmmm u myt be smeone who shares sme common intrest . . . . n smeone who muz obviuzly like animals!!! its human pets after all!!! hehe . . . .
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: We Love Weed!!, Careful...... We Bite, A Herd for Hippies, Poetry ...Island..., Postcard collector's club!, ABANDONNED, The Poets Corner
63816 pts
"Mon Amie"
5513 pts
Evelina Sebestova
Evelina Sebestova
50 pts
Achuth's tales
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Free Verse

And the mind was at peace.

When the raindrop shattered
the windowpane to a hundred
glittering pieces of pain.
They have a term for all violence.
The glorifying description of
violence as a technological
An achievement of the human race.
Which never has to stop back
and look at all the evils
lying on its wake.
Cant be left behind
Cant turn back.
Can't afford to
wait for a second.
A millisecond.
A nanosecond.
They have divided time into
a million painful fragments.
Time doesn't exist,
its a relative term,
so says Lord Einstein.
Time is our relative.
He attends our birth, our death,
our marriage, our life.
And he wears the smiling mask
of a benevolent uncle
distributing seconds for sweets.
But we were talking
about Violence.
Violence on life,
on time, truth
and all other abstractions
that man makes up for his
We need a purpose in life.
A purpose to live on,
to justify our justifications, and to
drag our foot through the dust
between the days,
while it keeps sinking deeper in the quicksand.
When all you have to do
to fell alive
is to
Breathe in, Breathe out.
Breathe in, Breathe out.
Touch the world, and take
in its smells and bits and pieces
of existence.
Feels the world turning with you in it.
Live. Be alive.

(This poem comes free. Free downloadable, free readable, free intepretable. No strings attached.)
Achuth "Achu" Peppy - 15 years, 5 months, 15 days ago

Words cheat.
They never speak what you mean.
Truth cheats.
Coz it can never be seen.
Fears cheat.
They never show their form.
Beds cheat.
They are never forever warm.
Pride cheats.
It flies high, only to fall.
Summer cheats.
It goes with every fall.
Love cheats.
It smiles, it cajoles, it weeps.
Pain cheats.
Coz behind your back it creeps.
Hopes cheat.
They call you forth, but never exist.
Smiles cheat.
They ring in your ears, but don't persist.
Thought cheats.
They fill you up with strife.
Time cheats.
Coz they take away your life.

This poem cannot capture what I really want to say. It is a swindler too.
But it stays in memory of a dear friend, Bronwyn, whos my owner. Memory never cheats. It stays to haunt you with its honesty.

Achuth "Achu" Peppy - 15 years, 5 months, 17 days ago
The EverGreen Pain Machine

The river darkens to a mouldy stain,
Spreading through the dreamless, thoughtless, hill-less plain;
Spreading pain,
Bedding disdain.

The branching veins drank off the mills,
Choking trees which have no gills.
No frills,
It only kills.

No shadows ripped the streets at night,
Shadows live on the light.
No left, no right,
No blurred foresight.

Dreams are lost in a speechless mist,
Smiles torn down no longer resist.
Pain persists.
Clenched in fists.

Words spoken are never heard,
Become whispered mumbles in a herd.

Words chewed down, words spat out
Tears frozen in a moment of doubt.
Tears don't shout.
Wings don't sprout.

In the endless plain where pain descends,
Time is caught in an electric fence.
No enemies, no friends.
Good riddance.

Achuth "Achu" Peppy - 15 years, 5 months, 22 days ago
When the earth grows too heavy, it is going to fall deep into the nothingness and shatter like a crystal ball which can no longer hold any future and no longer call up the past.

Achuth "Achu" Peppy - 15 years, 6 months ago
No Heroes.. No More...

No one leaves footprints any more
To place mine within...
To trace their paths...

The earth is too dry,
Without sweat or tears...
The footprints get blown with the dust.

And we have no heroes, no more...
The world doesn't have a reason to cry...

Maybe we have outgrown crying
(A revolution in evolution)
As every child has to someday...

Homo Sapiens comes to age
And turns sour and bitter
Like stale milk....

So don't need heroes any more..
Throw away the skintights and the capes.
And rub the footprints into the dust.

No more tales we need here
No more voices we can bear to hear
Yeah, we have outgrown inspiration too...

Just leave your footprint flying in the wind
Rubbed over by a million others
In a jumbled maze
Walking all ways, and never always....

Achuth "Achu" Peppy - 15 years, 7 months, 14 days ago
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awww....i like being taken on a trip :)
~ Sneaky kiss ~ You have been given ~ Sneaky kiss ~.
Crafted by Biggus Dickus
anamika "חָשׁוּק" - 14 years, 8 months, 13 days ago
well say hello :)
Flowers = Kisses & Cuddles You have been given Flowers = Kisses & Cuddles.
Crafted by Dr Isley
anamika "חָשׁוּק" - 14 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
Here I am You have been given Here I am.
Crafted by Bruce
Terri Simply Irresistible ♡ - 15 years, 5 months, 10 days ago

(: Smile :) You have been given (: Smile :).
Crafted by Jay Galbreath
Terri Simply Irresistible ♡ - 15 years, 5 months, 10 days ago

ღlove this lifeღ You have been given ღlove this lifeღ.
Crafted by Suzanne
Terri Simply Irresistible ♡ - 15 years, 5 months, 10 days ago
How are you doing Achuth? Are you going to college?? What is your major?
Power of Love You have been given Power of Love.
Crafted by Unknown
Terri Simply Irresistible ♡ - 15 years, 5 months, 13 days ago
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Achuth's shop
paws 'n awwwws!!!

we deal in all pet accessories and pet conveniences that would make paws go AWwwww!!

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all thats good forever n beyond
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all thats good forever n beyond
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~~some spice to your life~~
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you are... spotless?!
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~~some music~~
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a nice warm shower &lt;gulp&gt;
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you've been rolled up...
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what say you?!
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Dont pick a fight with me !!!
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