ok... i like this tale thing. though i think I shall call mine my "tails" as seems appropriate. When in Rome etc etc.
So i was thinking: (no it didn't hurt) what are the yes' and no's of HP. Like, for eg. if I have a good owner, am I supposed to do that thing where you say "please don't buy me" or is it ok to be bought and then, if they are a owner that reeeeeeeeeally likes you as a pet they buy you back?
is that annoying and expensive?
I have no clue to HP protocol. I hope I am not offending my owner/previous/owners-to-be that I don't mind you buying me, but you gotta take good care of me >:) cuz its the nice thing to do. If you are mean to me I will cough fur balls up in your smalls drawer and flick my litter all over the ground like a 5 week old kitten with no litter skills. Just to annoy. Then I will climb trees and scream like i've been stuck there for weeks and when you get me down i'll claw you like you've plucked me from heaven and dragged me into the depths of burning hell :)
so be nice :))
la la la ummm...
I just finished watching Turistas. That movie was freaky.
now I am scared to go to Brazil.
in fact... i'm kinda scared to go anywhere I would require a backpack. Except the gym. lol
Unknown "lostkitty" Hungry
- 16 years, 8 months, 11 days ago