she said she will think about it, which i basically thinksk it's a nice way to say no!!!there is more to the story. like she was my ex gf and stuff like that
"NaNa's New Ryan"Wild
- 16 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
i asked this girl out to prom!!! i sent a special delivery by a staff assistant to this girl in class. it was kanga and roo stuffed animal from winnie and the poo.i know, a freakin' kangroo!!!it symbolized something....w/e and the kangroo was holding this letter. and it said look to ur when it happened,she looked at her right and i stood up with these huge posters. infront of the whole class. And the first poster said "i still miss u". second one said "i dont care if i look lika a fool infront of everyone" third one said "anways...".last one said "will u go to prom with me?"
"NaNa's New Ryan"Wild
- 16 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
oh...umm i'm doing, i did the bravest thing and i got shot down...
"NaNa's New Ryan"Wild
- 16 years, 11 months, 5 days ago