Im becoming increasingly annoyed about people trying to deny there age. Ok fair enough if youve got a childish personality thats fine i can completely relate about that anybody who knows me will be able to tell you as far as mental age is concerned i couldnt be much older then 10-11. But for all that is holy what is wrong with people when they lie about there age Great your old Does it make you any less of a person does it mean people arent gonna like you well tbh if your friends do care about your age then youll be doing yourself a favour. And that brings me to cosmetics WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE. Your going to die face it and some cream or lotion is going to stop that so why not save your money and do something useful with it rather then spend money on cosmetic treatments that (to the best of my knowledge) dont actually prevent your death.
This rant has been sponsored by Tom
Unknown "Tom" Wild
- 17 years, 2 months, 16 days ago