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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 5363 points.



Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Unknown's tales
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为何不把 情理智的想一想~好好的面对~
面对不一定会伤害~但逃避就是一 伤害~
思想的 成 长~人生的成熟~不是从书,不是听说,不能读,也不能强迫~
唯 自己去体验~去感受~去触碰~
怕被讨厌,怕被排挤~每天演扮别 欢喜的“别人”~
怕寂寞,怕受伤~每天做别人要求的“别人”~ n 最后,失去自己~不再是自己~已经是“别人”~
世界没有完美的~ 人生是自己的~
好好的创造属 于自己的心灵世界~
有着自己的思想~有着只有自己拥有的~独一 二 的自己~

Unknown "NITA" Gloomy - 16 years, 2 months, 18 days ago
mayb im going to leave human pet soon..hope everyone here will be happy and healthy..
i will come bac sometimes..and i hope everything will be the same..
something realy need to be change...and something need to be accept..
bt the most important thing is...the heart will never change..
Unknown "NITA" Gloomy - 16 years, 3 months, 7 days ago
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私にとって一人の大切な人がいる。あの 人に”ずっと愛してる よ”が伝いたい~
something to be understand by me.
・Loving someone is ur own behavior.n being love by someone is thiers' willing.i cant just hope someone to repay me just bcz im willing to hand over my heart.
・Unhappy is a self problem.i cant bring problems to people around me.or people around me will be so pity.
・Regret i will be if i dont precious everything around me.
・LASTLY,not letting someone know u love him so much n will always support him is the most stupid thing i ever do.
・I hope one day.i can stand up high with my succed n tell everybody" Theres One Person Who i never Precious him n cant stay by his Side.i wanna Tell Him. IM SORRY.n Aishiteru.plz Forgive Me"

Unknown "NITA" Gloomy - 16 years, 3 months, 9 days ago
its been ages for me to play human pet right nw^^haha
miss the dayz here..thumbing and leaving bunch of comment..meeting all those frens around..
having a owner or having a pet..and compete with others...^^its realy fun here..
bt its realy too buzy nw for me to come here anyhow...~bt i will still try my best to drop by to hav a look at my pet and lovely owner..
hope everyone in good dayz~miss me^^hugggiess~
Unknown "NITA" Gloomy - 16 years, 4 months, 9 days ago
Unknown "NITA" Gloomy - 16 years, 8 months, 25 days ago
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Alexander Graesser
random comment #888) *steamed* You have been steamed
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 15 years, 10 months, 2 days ago

You have been given happy birthday.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Yong yong" Peaceful - 16 years, 29 days ago
Alberto Ortega
Hello there "NITA" CHEERS!!!
You were taken on a trip! You have got drunk at bar.
Alberto Ortega "My §εxyItalian" Growling - 16 years, 1 month, 9 days ago
Tomi Toh
^^ hopefully I can be ur owner for a long time hahaha
You have been given Royal Jelly.
Crafted by Jerry Chan
Tomi Toh "✿LuLu de爷爷" ღShhh im invisibleღ - 16 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
Tomi Toh

You have been given Yummies cakey cakey ღ.
Crafted by Unknown
Tomi Toh "✿LuLu de爷爷" ღShhh im invisibleღ - 16 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
Tomi Toh
*feed new pet*
You have been given ♥yummie tempura w/rice♥.
Crafted by Estelle Angel
Tomi Toh "✿LuLu de爷爷" ღShhh im invisibleღ - 16 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
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Unknown's shop

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Love u too..3..4...4eVer!!
shop of Never cHange for love..
get d item and get the heart of someone~
Wish everyone Happy and lucky and life feel wif lovess...

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feel blue without you
1 use

250 pts
feel blue without you
Bought by 8 people
birthday cake for lovely you~
1 use

299 pts
birthday cake for lovely you~
Bought by 8 people
1 use

199 pts
Bought by 8 people
can u feel tht i miss u?
1 use

299 pts
can u feel tht i miss u?
Bought by 6 people
need Your HuG
1 use

220 pts
need Your HuG
Bought by 6 people
i'll never give up~
1 use

520 pts
i'll never give up~
Bought by 3 people
im so happy to see u
1 use

299 pts
im so happy to see u
Bought by 14 people
why?why u being so rude..T.T
1 use

399 pts
why?why u being so rude..T.T
Bought by 14 people
im going to die without u..
1 use

250 pts
im going to die without u..
Bought by 29 people
u look hot!
1 use

300 pts
u look hot!
Bought by 6 people
good sweety~
1 use

299 pts
good sweety~
Bought by 4 people
OH NO!who stole my pet!
1 use

399 pts
OH NO!who stole my pet!
Bought by 7 people
sayang you..
1 use

199 pts
sayang you..
Bought by 20 people
be a good pet..or.....
1 use

299 pts
be a good pet..or.....
Bought by 30 people
u will be lucky forever
1 use

300 pts
u will be lucky forever
Bought by 4 people
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