私にとって一人の大切な人がいる。あの 人に”ずっと愛してる よ”が伝いたい~
something to be understand by me.
・Loving someone is ur own behavior.n being love by someone is thiers' willing.i cant just hope someone to repay me just bcz im willing to hand over my heart.
・Unhappy is a self problem.i cant bring problems to people around me.or people around me will be so pity.
・Regret i will be if i dont precious everything around me.
・LASTLY,not letting someone know u love him so much n will always support him is the most stupid thing i ever do.
・I hope one day.i can stand up high with my succed n tell everybody" Theres One Person Who i never Precious him n cant stay by his Side.i wanna Tell Him. IM SORRY.n Aishiteru.plz Forgive Me"
Unknown "NITA" Gloomy
- 16 years, 9 months, 15 days ago