Once apone a time, there was a cat orange in the fur with red and black strips on it .It was just a little guy left buy her parents to the streets of New York. He got splashed and peted but was so hungry he ate grass from yeards but got discused about it and when it rains he drinks when the bigs out he hunt to eat them.One day a girl pick her up and put him in her jacket he thought it was his mom but it wasnt. the girl dryed her up and drushed him as she screaches he plays. he plays with floting pink balls ,string and rats. he wanted sunshine and outdoors but the girl didnt want him out. she feed him fish and milk he liked it but still wanted freedom. So he sucked out as the weather was nice and forgot his why back to her house. She put up postes but counldnt find him for years. when he finnaly got back he was all grown up and wanted the attastion of the girl and got back in and the girl was a little grown now and she was happy. They lived forever untill he had to pass on but she never gave him up and still remeber for days and years on in untill they meet again in the next life. The End UnknownBold
- 16 years, 7 months, 13 days ago
ok..that is sad so ....aaa... UnknownBold
- 16 years, 7 months, 24 days ago