Looking out on the lamp-lit world passing me by as I sit in the train. I think.
To think about what all those people are doing. Scurrying about their seemingly insignificant lives...Are they real?
I think to what you're doing, what you're thinking. How is the world where you are?
I drift off, being gently rocked to sleep by the rickety train...
Images of you flood my head; of us holding hands walking to nowhere in particular.
A bubble shielding us from all the pains and anger of the world.
You turn to me with a deep sadness in your eyes, releasing my hand from yours.
The shield seems to fail and burst...
You say you can't go on. You're too broken and I just broke you further. I promise you that I'll fix you but you say you've heard it all before and can't deal with this again and you turn to hide your tears.
I try to move close to comfort you. You punch me hard in the chest making a solid cracking noise before burying your head into my chest.
As I hold you close you muffle an apology and an "I love you"...
You slowly disappear before my eyes, leaving me standing alone.
The train jolts me into conciousness once more. Tears falling down my face into my book.
Lamp lights are still flickering past in the distance and I go back to thinking...
James Bridge "Panda" Tired
- 15 years, 1 month, 1 day ago