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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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我愛我的 寶寶
"bb ♥"

Unknown, 42/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:44 PM
Join date:17 years, 4 months, 25 days ago
Location: Brisbane Australia

"Big big big!"
About me:
coffee. high. buzz. procrastinate. late nights. sleep ins. b-grade movies. amusing. sun. tan. theme parks. exciting. airport. travel. random. yes.
About you:
my beautiful baby who is forever in my thoughts and dreams. the light in my world, the sweet taste in my mouth, the warm feeling in my heart. my baby, my love.
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: ❤ ═╪ Yakisoba ╪═ ❤
我愛你 o(◕‿◕) o
"♥ 我寶寶"
1000000 pts
Unknown's tales
There was a boy who lived in Australia. He had just reluctantly come back from a seven month studying/working/partying trip in Taiwan and was settling into his new job. One night, while procrastinating on Facebook, he joined random Taiwan-related groups cause he loved Taiwan and missed it all – traffic, pollution, rainy/humid weather, night life, night and day markets, 24/7 supermarkets, old grandmas and grandpas roaming the streets, wild dogs that scare the crap out of people at night. He joined many groups, one in particular was the “I <3 Taiwan” group. He liked this group the most because the people that shared his love for all-things Taiwan. After that, he procrastinated some more, ate some snacks, then went to bed.

Several days later, after a long work shift, he arrived home, procrastinated, and found some random girl had requested to be his friend on Facebook. The boy thought, “Who is this random girl? I don’t think I know her?” Something about her Facebook photo drew him in, plus he was curious and such a friendly sexy beast. So he accepted her request, had a look at her profile, and never expected anything to happen because she seemed to be Ms Popular. However, a thank you for adding her message followed the next day, and the boy replied in his usually suave manner.

A few weeks later, the boy saw something on the random girl’s profile that worried him. The random girl was angry and feeling sad. So being the kind, caring boy that he is, not to mention manly, he wanted to comfort her and messaged her what was the matter. Who would have known, that after this, the boy and random girl would message each other every day. The messages were as random as the girl. They talked about nothing, yet to the boy it was everything. It was these random message exchanges that made the boy happy and high. Each day he would check his Facebook in hope of seeing that (1) or (2) or (3) next to his Inbox. Though 11842 kilometres or 7385 miles (if you're american and use silly measurements :P) of land and sea separated them, they were talking like best friends, long-lost buddies.

Somewhere in the midst of all the messaging, the boy’s feelings for the random girl had changed. Even though the only photo he had seen of the random girl was the ghosty photo plus a photo where she looked like Doraemon and loved to wear leg warmers, he didn’t care. He had fallen for the random girl, her personality, her heart. He wanted to be more than just friends. So he decided to give it a shot no matter how crazy it seemed. Not knowing if they would ever meet, though there was a strong feeling that someday they eventually would, the boy asked the random girl to be his girlfriend. He was a bit surprised at how quick the girl agreed, but it didn’t matter because it was one of his happiest days.

There have been many trying days since the boy and girl fell for each other. However, his like for her which blossomed into love just grew and grew. Each second, each minute, each hour, each day, each week, each month. No matter what happened, nothing could take away his love for the random girl.
Unknown "bb ♥" 我愛我的 寶寶 - 17 years, 3 days ago

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bb is too big...will fall through the clouds :D
You have been given Tuck You In Bed.
Crafted by Jujuu
Unknown "♥ 我寶寶" 我愛你 o(◕‿◕) o - 16 years, 2 months, 27 days ago

You have been given miss u.
Crafted by Bow BouBoe
Unknown "♥ 我寶寶" 我愛你 o(◕‿◕) o - 16 years, 2 months, 27 days ago

You have been given hug me.
Crafted by Naughty Sabrina
Unknown "♥ 我寶寶" 我愛你 o(◕‿◕) o - 16 years, 2 months, 27 days ago

You have been given Cuddle And Sleep.
Crafted by Eric Moy
Unknown "♥ 我寶寶" 我愛你 o(◕‿◕) o - 16 years, 2 months, 27 days ago
looks familiar :)
You have been given Happy New Year !!!.
Crafted by Kelvin
Unknown "♥ 我寶寶" 我愛你 o(◕‿◕) o - 16 years, 2 months, 27 days ago

You have been given *peek* hee~.
Crafted by Andrew Chia
Unknown "♥ 我寶寶" 我愛你 o(◕‿◕) o - 16 years, 2 months, 27 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Piggy & Random Mart

lots of love for you
1 use

200 pts
lots of love for you
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growing our love
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200 pts
growing our love
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shoo! go away
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200 pts
shoo! go away
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i give in
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200 pts
i give in
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always dreaming of you
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200 pts
always dreaming of you
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surprise kiss! chuuu
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200 pts
surprise kiss! chuuu
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waaaa! come back to me
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200 pts
waaaa! come back to me
Bought by 20 people
miss you very much
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200 pts
miss you very much
Bought by 28 people
i'll watch over you
1 use

200 pts
i'll watch over you
Bought by 29 people
get drunk with me
1 use

200 pts
get drunk with me
Bought by 22 people
oink! pig a boo
1 use

200 pts
oink! pig a boo
Bought by 31 people
rawr! you sexy tiger
1 use

200 pts
rawr! you sexy tiger
Bought by 29 people
you are so special
1 use

200 pts
you are so special
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