how much would u pay for the one u love in a game like human pets?
how much are u willing to pay really?
most of people here would say: oh i'll pay whatever to get him or her back,thts nice..what would u pay for him or her in the real life? and dun just rush to reply..think not talkin abt money ofcourse, am talkin abt life issues, will u really try 2 give all wht u have for him/her???
ur time, temper, help, care..
to what extent? how long will u tolerate him/her in a bad mood for example, how much will u bear ?
just some questions tht popped up to my mind while seeing people paying more and more money here to get ppl they love back, hope they transfer this game into their life and see if they can really win the challenges of life that may affect their relations with whom they love..
u love some1? well, prove it, and not on human pets.. :)
Unknown "NoNNa" Calm
- 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago