Aw it's sucha pity I can't see the pictures/items in my virtual gifts.. Anyway, Thank you guys so much for giving me presents and thank you for making me smile because of your kindness. Bless you all and I hope we'll all have a freakin FANTASTIC year ahead of us. Yours truly,
Sophie Unknown"Sophie the Sexy"Content
- 16 years, 2 months ago
Merry Christmas to ALL of you n____n xx Unknown"Sophie the Sexy"Content
- 16 years, 2 months, 3 days ago
Hee hee wow peeps~! Thank you so much for buying at my shop! n__n I wish I had the time to thank all of you personally. -Hug~!- <3 n__n Unknown"Sophie the Sexy"Content
- 16 years, 5 months, 16 days ago
Ah caramelldansen took me O__O Here is an electric guitar version~! xD
Unknown"Sophie the Sexy"Content
- 16 years, 7 months, 23 days ago
A huge and very precious thing in my life.. Though I can't play the instrument to my regret, I love listening to it.. It gives me a moment of selfreflection.. Whenever I feel cut off.. or when everything just moves so fast that I don't know where I am and who I am.. It gives me clarity.. and most of all hope. It moves me.. It's part of me.. I wanted to share this with you.. You don't have to like it but I sure hope you do~! So.. Next I'll post a few vids! n_n
Final Fantasy VII - Aerith's Theme (Piano Collections) One of my fave games.. And this song moves me a lot. One of the songs I can selfreflect with hehe..
Final Fantasy X-2 - Epilogue Reunion (Piano Collection) Another one from the wonderful Final Fantasy series.. hehe ^_^..
Final Fantasy X-2 - Zanarkand Ruins (Piano Collection) ...
Now.. A bit different stuff xD These kind of things make me smile and I admire people who can give a different twist to a song that wont ruin it..
Pokemon - Gotta' Catch 'Em All Special !! (piano cover) Are you having a wtf moment right now? =o Well I had that too at first! But I was so impressed by this video haha. It certainly changed the view I had as a wee kiddy on pokémon xD
Caramelldansen On Piano No.. way O__O Yes way ! A great twist of the hyperactive song that took over the internet ! I don't know if a lot of people know this but I think the very original came from the anime '' Popotan''. A very weird anime I dont think I ever finished.. Might tell more about it later on hehe.
I think I'll end it here and wait till I get some comments on this.. I post too many tales with music in it lately ^_____^''
Ja ne! ~ Sophie-chan n_n Unknown"Sophie the Sexy"Content
- 16 years, 7 months, 23 days ago
lol hey ^-^ thank you for ur kindness, and it's ok, because i was collecting points to buy andrew, and i bought him a couple days ago. so i am all good ^-^ and woohoo new friend :p merry christmas and happy new year :3