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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 75000 points.



Unknown, 41/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:8:36 AM
Join date:17 years, 2 months, 7 days ago
Location: enderby, British Columbia Canada

About me:
I am 24 years old and Im loving life right now and im looking for fantastic friends from anywhere and everywhere to meet.
About you:
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): SimZims Thumb Herd, Simmys RTF herd
Herds: ~~CANADIAN HERD~~, BC Pets, Rics comments, Girls Only Club, Dee-lectiable Delights, $$$POT$$ OF$$ GOLD$$$, Michelle's RTF's, Sexy M's Spamming Herd, Canadians rock, Bar B's RTF Crew, CUPIDS HANGOUT, Night Dwellers, Wild & Free

100000 pts
75000 pts

50000 pts

10000 pts

10000 pts

10000 pts

10000 pts

"Big Bro :P"
9000 pts

5000 pts

"Dirty DJ"
500 pts

500 pts

400 pts

"MZ Keti"
100 pts

50 pts

50 pts
Unknown's tales
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hahaha mike u always have the best tales!

okok its been a looong time...but yea i havent written cuz nothing has really happend to me worth writing. im still lvl 31 on my game...still drinkin like....well something that drinks alot....the only exciting thing is that its finally snowing again round here!! luvin it. though i want more more more. the shitty thing is that i caught another cold. and im kinda laughing about it because my man says i gave it to him by him borrowing my chapstick. but im pretty damn sure that you cant catch back a cold youve given out because i would have immunized myself against that paticular strain of cold already if i gave it to him...raaawr. anywho. guess i have to ride this one out and wait for the next one....lmao ciao! and yes im still alive! hahaha. o yea i still gotta put on new picz with my "new" do!!! omg i have bangs now~~ lmao
Unknown "SimZim" Ecstatic - 16 years, 3 months, 21 days ago
hmm crazy weekend i must say. and its comin around again already too!!! just relaxin here playing my game. tg they fixed the abyss...item drops r up agian. yaaaay. lol. if i could just party with someone and finish my 10 quests ill be happy. though im sooooo beyond mad that when i went on my KQ yesterday i had no room in my inventory so i didndt get shit for completing it...grrrr...and i only got 300 exp pts. owww. my finger hurts still. goit a lil crazy this weekend. lol. *shakes her head in memory* well back to my game...i wanna get to lvl 30 before i go for the weekend again...
Unknown "SimZim" Ecstatic - 16 years, 4 months, 10 days ago
well alls good round here again...seems like everything is back to normal....*knocks on wood* another friday night! whooohoooo! got some new music on my mp3 player...mainly just downloaded the much top ten list...dyeing my hair right now...o i got bangs to those of you who dont see me too often...:D ill try to get a new pic on asap...gotta figure out this webcam on this comp...i can do it from my laptop iguess...its just so damn slow since my sister started using it... ah well. listening to britney right now. hahaha i know iknow...smak me pls. anywho just checkin in. nm going on....back to my game to see whatz up there...b4 i header to vernon again....yea to Ms place. hehehe he showed up last weekend on my doorstep outta the blue and whisked me away for 5 days. haha just got home on wed....and im off again. lmao. ill try to come back a bit early this weekend....ciao!! wish me fun and ill wish u some too!!!!!!! FRIIIIDAY

Unknown "SimZim" Ecstatic - 16 years, 4 months, 15 days ago
well i think i did it....i messed up the best thing in my life and i dont know how to fix it...i m so confused right now too...i got paid friday and i presumed (wrongly) that my man wasnt going to partay this weekend. so i went out on my own. pretty much been drinking since thursday night. its what now? tuesday? lol. newho i didnt phone and hes been trying to get ahold of me...i just...i guess im too selfish. and i hate hurting him. but i hate saying im wrong too. uuugh. so he sent me this msg earlier....about how hes been phoneing all weekend...and hes not going to try anymore...y is this so damn hard
Unknown "SimZim" Ecstatic - 16 years, 4 months, 25 days ago
well well. its wednesday...last day as a 24 year old! hahaha. gotta say this year has gone by pretty fast. just seems like a bit ago it was my bday in armstrong last year. i remember there werent that many ppl there. but i ended up having a blast neways. we started out the night playing a bit of pool and havin some beer. then my sisters showed up...shots started flying around. :D Rock with a B showed up with good ol' deb! damn those two were fun. some old guy was buying everyone shots that night i remember having too many shots...then...there was an "incident". we all ended up going home. haha. got some great pics on my profile...i really hope i get some good ones this weekend. . . . ill be sure to post them if i do! :D
im just chillin watching a scary movie by myself. The Gift. sheesh im gettin the shivers. shoulda caught up to everyone earlier and started my bday celebration. ah well i guess ill wait till tomorrow. dont wanna be all sick and hung over on my bday do i? i should prolly go to bed early too. phsshh. yea rite. yknow me by now.
what have i accomplished this last year that makes another year bareable? hmm...well i made up with my bff from highschool...i started seeing someone that makes my worl continue to turn every single day...that without them im not too sure where id be... its true ive been in alot of pain as well this past year. losing my aunt grace to well as my cousin Callahan. my mothers dog....Sarge....may they all rest in peace. . . but a lot of great things have happend too...i mean meeting new ppl...Dawnita...Shannon....Michelle....very good friend potentials! haha. then the best thing about being 24..i won the battle against drugs! haha YESSSS. thats the highlight of this year! overall....i think this year is the best of my life... lets make the next one 1000 times better!! with ur help of course! hahaha let dooo iiiiiiit!
Unknown "SimZim" Ecstatic - 16 years, 5 months, 29 days ago
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Barbara Hayward
Hey Simone! Where the hell are you?!?! Haven't seen you in ages. Hope you have a great weekend.
♥♥   Valentines Hug♥ ♥  You have been given ♥♥ Valentines Hug♥ ♥ .
Crafted by not living anymore
Barbara Hayward "B shop" Inspired - 16 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
Barbara Hayward
Hey Simone! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a funtastic New Year...♥
You have been given Happy Holidays.
Crafted by Kate
Barbara Hayward "B shop" Inspired - 16 years, 3 months, 10 days ago

You have been given Angel Script Written My Way!.
Crafted by Mel
Nikki "wolfeyez" Sparkling - 16 years, 4 months, 21 days ago
You have been given Boo You Whore!.
Crafted by Unknown
Nikki "wolfeyez" Sparkling - 16 years, 5 months, 13 days ago

You have been given happy birthday.
Crafted by Douglas Bearchell
Unknown "Freedom is Power" Seraphim High Command - 16 years, 5 months, 28 days ago
hey Simone, how've you been?
You have been given mesmerizing moobs.
Crafted by Susan
Unknown - 16 years, 6 months, 1 day ago
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Unknown's shop
SimZims Store

mixture of stuff....just check it k?

do you have a tray?
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do you have a tray?
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wanna play w/ me?
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wanna play w/ me?
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a lil cute with chris 4 ya
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200 pts
a lil cute with chris 4 ya
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lonely w/out you
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300 pts
lonely w/out you
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250 pts
Bought by 5 people

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