Did you ever instantly know you were going to like and trust someone for a long, long time? Maybe you only knew them for a short while but it seemed that you had known them your whole life, as if there were a timeless connection between you and them? I'm wondering as you read this, if you can remember the feeling of that, and just how wonderful it was, because sometimes life has a way of making us remember those things, right prior to discovering that we can experience those feelings again with someone.
Me ... well, I don't think that kind of thing can be forced. No essay or words or video tape can create it. Words and appearances are only expressions, the vehicles that contain the essence that moves us. It can only happen naturally as the expression of an energy between two people, but when it does ... you know that feeling of incredible bonding, when all the barriers melt and drop away, and two people come together, fused into one spiritual essence, the mingling of energies feeding one to the other, building and increasing and intensifying, mingling into an expression of aliveness that words can initiate but never capture fully? It has instead to be
indulged inside your own imagination ... dwelled on, and toyed with, deep, deep inside you.
Speaking to you as a person who can experience that kind of
connection, just how much can you look forward to enjoying that with someone who moves you in that way? As you remember what that would be like, and find those possibilities opening before you, in such a way that anything else blurs into insignificance,
how powerfully will you feel that urge to call and find out more about this person who has so moved you, with just words on a page?
Unknown "BBs !" Frisky
- 16 years, 3 months, 2 days ago