I bend a branch back until it snaps, leaving the path clear once again. My feet continue moving ahead leading me deeper into the woods. As I emerge from the trail into a small opening, I spot a doe munching on the grass. She looks up and catches my gaze, frozen. I take in her beauty as I move forward a few steps. She bolts into the safety of the trees after my foot lands on a fallen twig; it’s loud “snap” breaking the secluded silence that nature offers. I stand in the center of the clearing basking in the warm morning rays, taking in all of nature’s beauty. The clearing I stand in seems to be the only part of the woods fully illuminated. Everywhere else is darkened by the many over-lapping shadows. Where the sun does touch, the colors stand out brightly: the lime summer grass, the russet bark of the fallen tree, and the dark olive pine that gives off a woodsy smell.
I leave the luminous clearing, continuing my journey which leads me further away from my air-conditioned home. I finally find myself on the bank of a small lake. I look out to see the sapphire water sparkling in the morning light. I hear nothing but frogs croaking, crickets chirping, and birds singing their sweet songs.
Summer is such a beautiful time of year, and I have the most beautiful spot of all.
Unknown "fluffy" Playful
- 17 years, 1 month ago