Level: 127
Strength : 1
Dexterity : 1
Luck : 1
Intelligence: 0
Loyalty : 751105
General happiness: Delighted with current owner.
Transfer status : Not available for owner transfer.
Khy Lynn
"L's Sweets~♥"Tender
- 16 years, 3 months ago
Is it coz you're worried about how you fair that's why you're not excited or something? Hmm Same goes for me even when I finish my last paper and don't have to deal with degree! o.o;
Work's been boring..nothing much to do yet and I don't have a pc..will get it next week!I can't wait!
Khy Lynn
"L's Sweets~♥"Tender
- 16 years, 3 months, 16 days ago
Hey~Thanks a lot! How's the progress of your exam?? *feeds you*