first tale here yay! XD
i'm just a little pinguin. my home is in antartica and i love it^^ yay! it has many snow, fish, and beautiful aurora^^ i like it when snowy^^ i feel always in Christmas Day^^
once upon a time, i was forced to go out from Antartica T____T they said many think that i don't understand.. such as global warming, ice melting, etc.. i feel very sad..
now im travelling to Japan.. Japan is beautiful country.. the sakura here is just like snow in antartica.. sushi is from fresh fish.. and many kind ppl live here^^ I live in bamboo home here instead of iglo in Antartica... it's sometimes snowy too^^
the people, that made me went out from antartica, said Japan is a nice country that has powerful technologies.. I want to study here.. I want to save Antartica.. and please thumbs me if u agree to my opinion to save antartica... thanks..
Unknown "My_other_side" Lonely
- 17 years, 3 months, 20 days ago