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"My mighty writer"
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| Herds: | ~~CANADIAN HERD~~, VIP - Very Important Pets, Nerds are Sexy, Livin in the Land Down Under, Careful...... We Bite, Intellectual Experimentalists, ~¬»♥Thumbing pets!®♥«¬~, South African Pets, I HATE PETNAPPERS!, After Dark, Stop Animal Cruelty, 5 Word Storytellers, Japanimaniacs, ^_^ Lauren's Pet Saving Herd ^_^, Allys Pet Protection & Spam Soci, Human Pets Anonymous, Zombie Survival, Society for the Easily Amused, Adam's Fantasy World, >***---Fans of Earth---***<, Three Word Stories, AUSSIE , AUSSIE , AUSSIE, SPAM is for PETS, Aussieland, Kiwi's and Aussies!, Women in Uniforms, freaking fursnakes!, The Charnel House, Old Gregg and the Mighty Boosh, ~Shelly's Shore~, Thumb Head, Pierced and PROUD!, Queen Roses Castle, The Lolas (Official Hottest Pet), AFL Grand Final Competition | |
Unknown's tales
Gus sheepishly fished around in his only pocket. Apart from the chloroform of romance he had little else. His trembling fingers held up two tufts of pocket lint and a small ocarina made of rat bones that played 'for he's a jolly good fellow' backwards! Then his knees started to knock with terror in time to the ocarina. a single tear appeared on the cheek of the head bandit as his cudgel dropped to the ground........
Unknown "My mighty writer" Nervous
- 16 years, 11 months, 9 days ago
Gus thrashed around and squealed! He was in a sloppy, muddy pit and he was afraid!! Looking up he saw the toothless grins of three evil bandits. They laughed and laughed at his predicament! Maybe they were laughing at the sad form of Gus himself? The ugliest one tossed down a pouch attached to a line and demanded " give us your stuff you knob!!"
Unknown "My mighty writer" Nervous
- 17 years, 8 days ago
Squibbling along as he thumbed through his stolen booty, he barely noticed the dark shapes flitting between the trees on either side. As he skipped blindly into the pit trap Gus only had time to utter the word 'bugger' and then he fell. HARD.
Unknown "My mighty writer" Nervous
- 17 years, 23 days ago
Skitting through the trees like a mutant deer, our hero stumbled across a wounded Dwarf! Giggling as he rifled though his pockets, Gus paused to enquire about the arrows protruding from the dwarfs back! "For the sake of the gods HELP ME" Screamed the dwarf! Deciding that the bloodied dwarf was not hip or groovy enough to warrant help, Gus skipped away with all of the dwarfs blood-spattered cash!
Unknown "My mighty writer" Nervous
- 17 years, 1 month, 6 days ago
So our hero awoke dazed on the forest floor with a huge bump on his head and his wallet stolen. As he winced and pulled himself up he noticed quite painfully that he was also missing his shoes! Gus checked his inside coat pocket and let out a shrill squeal of delight as he found his fathers chloroform still wrapped in the delicate skin he had stolen artfully from a gentleman in his torture chamber! Filled with renewed vigour, Gus tenativley strode into the forest once more!!
Unknown "My mighty writer" Nervous
- 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
You'll not find these things anywhere else!
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Tear me to pieces, Skin to bone
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