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" Sexy Pet"

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Unknown's tales
The Chronicles of Jolliffe Chapter 1 Page 1

I remember this one time, ( @bandcamp lol)
I had failed math 11 & I wasn’t going to be able to graduate on time
With all my grad class (and girlfriend) unless I took summer school.
Now as it turns out; I wasn’t able to fit in my schedule of that same year: English 11

In summer school if you failed a class
Then took it in summer school… the class was only 4hrs a day.

If you never took the class
Then took it in summer school... the class was 8hrs (a whole day instead)

Now summer school was only open for 8hrs a day.
So needed to cram 12hrs into 8hrs...for 30 days!
Instead I managed to convince the summer school
That I was some sort of failure of a student across the board
That I had failed both classes...and they put me into two 4hr sets.

Anyways, I had to do this project for English in summer school,
I had the weekend to do it, as it was due on Monday.
So I started it a couple hours before school started.

We were given 5 mins to play a song on a ghetto blaster.
Then 5 mins to give a speech on that song
In the literal sense of the word...and do a presentation about it
With a collage of pictures we cut out of magazines.

I cut out a few pictures
From magazines lying around the house.
I actually made this functional artwork that moved
Into different places and revealed other pictures
As you interacted with it.
As the song played,
I moved it around and it really impressed the class.
(As keys dangling impress infants)

I never really had a song picked out to match it.
But I had grabbed one of my mom's Celine Dion cds.

The kids in my class were bad ass mother fuckers.
Either dropped out of school or kicked out.
Again I was in the 4hr set, not the super smart 8hr set as per curriculum.
They there against their volition and obviously did not want to be there.
Maybe they did want to graduate like I did with my class.
Maybe they didn’t... I never made buddies with them really.

But the song that I played for the class happened
To be this super soft... mushy sappy love song! OMFG
I didn’t know what to do... so I just moved my art thing around
Until the song finished.

Some kids in the class picked rap songs with scratch boards.
Some chose top 40 songs.
Others had remixed radio tunes....
But then there was me...and my sappy love song.
*bang head*

I straight up told them I just started the project the night before.
They all laughed at me...
I told them that the glue was still drying.
They still laughed at me.
But I kept going on talking....I didn’t care.
I thought to myself
"Be independent of the good opinion of other ppl"

I started to rip apart the mushy love song.
Telling the class about how much of a has been that
Songwriter was... to just sit there and observe something so
Lovely and Adore it soOOoOo much
That you sat there and did nothing...and even wrote a song about it.
In doing nothing ... the songwriter let someone else take that away from you
Unknown " Sexy Pet" Intrigued - 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
The Chronicles of Jolliffe Chapter 1 Page 2
Volkswagen says:
In this world there are passengers
And there are drivers...
You can sit there and be a passenger with all the intention in the world...
You could have all the passion and fire within you,
You could even express it with eloquent vehicles of language;
How emotionally in tune you are in that moment.
But what does that matter if you give up?
Nice guys finish last I guess as they say.
What right does that mysterious other have to rob you of opportunity?
And then they step up to the plate instead of you?
None I said. So let us chew and eat our fill.
Why waist my time and biitch about something you 'could' have had?

I guess that's what makes good songs then.
But as I thought about it... I kept ranting
While I was up there... the words flowed off my tongue in soft pear shaped tones.
Like deer caught in the headlights the class listened. (I was way over my 5 mins by now)
But I realized that everyone can't help but want to be wanted.
To be cared for thought of and appreciated.
Secretly or not;
Inside one could not help
But put themselves in the position of that song’s scenario:
As if someone had written that song about 'you'
In one way or if someone was singing about
How lovely ‘you’ are personally & how someone is observing ‘you’ from afar.
As if ‘you’ were that fish that got away.
That's what sold the record deal.
That commodity of youth and cool,
To buy that which could not be purchased, for lack of a better word…with game.

I let the class know that they could laugh at me.
But that will not take away from my purpose,
Or my meaning...
If anything their laughter and doubt in me would strengthen me...
To push me further and have me try even harder towards my goal.

I told them about the girlfriend whom I loved & cared for.
I had wanted to grad with later that year...
And that I had only seen her
3 of the 6 months we had been together
She was in California all summer working as a nanny
And that she had been my reason all this time.
That she was my purpose for:
* getting up early all summer
* going to summer school
* tricking the school into thinking I failed two subjects
Just so I could stand there with her on graduation.

For that one day almost a year away from me giving that presentation:
The cost of that day then did not matter
The purpose and meaning no longer mattered .
What was of greatest importance was the feeling itself.

At least I wasn’t waiting for something to happen.
I wasn’t waiting for someone to sing a song.
I was taking whatever steps it would be necessary
To protect that feeling... that sense of happiness.
As there is no price on happiness.

But I guess it's okay if you're a songwriter tho,
This way ppl could notice your standpoint.
...or even laugh at you.
Instead I chose to acknowledge the song,
To respect it in all it's glory of sappy nature...
And to take action to avoid a repeat
Of the songwriters history in my life.
Hence why I was standing before them.
Whatever gauntlet that would be thrown at me,
Would only be a mere obstacle that has not yet been overcome.
So laugh on I told them.
The response I received was the opposite… the class loved me.
I got an A for my 20 min presentation.

Months later, after graduation...
One of the girls from the summer school English class,
Came up to my girlfriend and I,
As we were walking down Douglas Street in front of Eaton’s centre;
And told her about my presentation I did that day; with the sappy love song.
My girlfriend was informed about how I had made my classmate feel,
And that she wished us only the best in life, together.

Ppl will forget what you say in life.
They will forget who you are and what your name is.
But always remember that ppl will never forget:
How you made them feel.
Unknown " Sexy Pet" Intrigued - 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago

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Alexander Graesser
random comment #220) Please vote for me and Melanie in -HP's Favourite Duo-!
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You and your cookie head... >_< COOKIES! ^_^
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