They are clearing 2 ha of the forest reserve near my house to build a Muslim cemetery. I wonder why did the authorities allowed them to do that, when it's a gazetted forest reserve of 10ha. The Malays are damn vocal, saying that they need it there.Why not build it elsewhere, away from our homes? What if we'er to build a Chinese or Christian or Hindu cemetery there instead? Stupid people who thinks that the non-Malays are 'immigrants', whn our ancestors and forefathers sacrificed so much for this land too.Without us - Chinese, Indians, Sikhs, minority races, u Malays will still live in trees and do barter trades. UMNO Bukit Bendera, gulung tika and join PAS if u cant live in harmony with us!
Unknown "Ang Ang"
- 16 years, 6 months, 14 days ago
HUAHAHAHAHAHA... Finally, I'm free.. bought my freedom from the points I've so painstakingly collected. Now I can roam the highlands of China freely, eating bamboo shoots and little critters, looking for fellow pandas to play with :) Did you know that the RED PANDA is not a panda, but is from the Racoon family? :)
Unknown "Ang Ang"
- 17 years, 8 days ago
I popped by our local SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) during the weekend and saw a poor doggie with a twisted foot. He must have been involved in an accident or was abused before being brought to SPCA. HE could hardly walk nor stand :'( He looked at me with such pitiful doggie eyes and I can't help but feel so much sympathy for him! Poor doggie... Can the vets do anything to correct your twisted foot? :'(
Unknown "Ang Ang"
- 17 years, 16 days ago