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"Bright Eyes"
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Unknown's tales
So Like it was two days ago Tuesday that I decided to wander over to my friend's dorm. When she answered the door I could tell something was wrong so of course I asked the usual "What's up? How are you?" question and she was basically like "Not good." So it took a lot to make her squeal, but I finally got it out of her. So She was all like "Well, Ryan texted me in the middle of class and told me that he can't hang out today because he got called into work." I was like "Hell no!!! Fuck that shit!!! You guys made plans to hang out and you guys are going to keep them." This made her laugh and we started talking about it as she got ready for chemistry. She didn't want to, but eventually I got to her. So when she left for class I went back to my dorm and asked my boyfriend, Tommy, to like see if he would take us to where Ryan worked and meet up with him. Well, he said yes. So then I told my friend and she was happy and all we had to do was wait. So after she had came home, celebrated her friends birthday and signed her friend out. Me and Tommy waited in her room and started looking up the numbers and addresses for Liquor Barn (where Ryan works at). When we found the two possible solutions my friend was like "Call them to see which one he's working at!" So I did. And it turns out that the first one was a bummer and no one by that name existed, so then we had to call the other. Well it was dead end, but it wasn't because no one by Ryan worked there, but it was because he wasn't working that night. So my friend decided to text him and ask him when he was getting off and he said ten minutes. So she began to get depressed and say "He's lying to me. Why would he do that?" So the mission we started with turned into, time to kick some serious ass!!! Well I made her get dressed in her corset and skirt and we all left to find his place. Well, mind you we don't have directions and we have no idea, but a general area, where we are going. We get completely lost and end up at some apartments that are completely unfamiliar. So then my friend's friend calls and gives us some directions and we are finally on track, but no we have an issue. We get there and he's still not home. So we are trying to look for a purple van and we don't see it. So then we decided to get out and look for his apartment, because from my could remember....he lived on the second floor, right side, across from some people who had shoes outside of their apartment. So after the fourth try I happen to catch sight of a guy in purple van. Which is what we were looking for. Well....we wait till he passes by and my friend starts freaking out because it's really him, so we make a mad sprint for his car to see where he lives. Well it turns out that we end up in his line of vision for when he goes from his car to his apartment....and ends up that we have dive between two cars, which are of no protection mind you, and wait. Well then he gets closer and we end up having to dive into the forest of all places, my friend is wearing a mini skirt and corset mind you, with no shoes now, and she hides behind a tree. So we keep peeking over the car and the trees and whatever else we can find to peek over. Once inside we walk from our spots, my boyfriend has disappeared. As we are standing and dusting off our clothes, my friend searching for the lost shoe that I was holding, Tommy saunters up to us and we all like "Where'd you go?" and he was like "I just walked back to the car. I walked right past him." And my friend is all freaking out and stuff and I'm laughing at him. So now my friend can't get the strength to go inside and talk to him, so inadvertently I'm thinking to myself "Nope...we drove out her to see him...no get your ass up there," but it came more as a gesture of hand flying to her ass as she is walking and she freaks out and goes up the stairs. So now we are outside of his apartment. Keeping my promise I spoke nothing as I sent the TExt to Ryan saying "Look Outside"...so not she is forced to knock on the door. AFter introductions are made me and Tommy walk outside to wait for her. After a half hour, my friend comes out and is all excited. She tells the story and we leave. Her story: So he like answers the door and stuff and we go inside and like it's taking me a while to tell him what happened. But I asked him like where he was and he was like "At work" and I was like but we called you job and they said you weren't working there tonight. And he was like "Oh, well see Liquor Barn owns a smaller chain and sometimes I work there and it happens that I was working there tonight." and she was like "Oh my god I'm such a bad person." and he was "No your not" and it went on until she was like over-whelmed with happiness. Man I have to admit it was fun. I'd do it again ^_^
Unknown "Sweety" Sleepy
- 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
I know better then anyone what's it like to hide behind a mask. I know better then anyone what it's like to be fake for others. I know better then anyone what it's like to wake up and disappoint each and every day. I know what it is like to be called a fake only to realize it's true because I fake it everyday for you and you and you. I cry at night when no one is around. I don't sleep for the fact that I wake back into reality and realize that happy dreams are just that and nothing more. I know what it's like more then anyone to run away from everything and anything only to come back to the very things I hide from. So when you tell me that you know it better and that I have no idea. I know.....I know what you are talking about. I know what you are going through. So don't feed me your bullshit because I've had it worst then you. I wake up with a new mask everyday and feed this person the life that everyone wants me to live. I wake up to a new story that I must event so that others can not know the things that have really happened in my life. And even those who do feel I am lying to them. I am no more then the abstract construct of other peoples minds. I am what you want me to be. I am what she wants me to be. I am what you god(s), Satan, Allah, whatever, wants me to be. I have a mask for each person. I mask for every friend. I have never been asked to once remove my mask, but you find a person who you can do that for. Be the person you are, but you push her away. It's not my fault. You should know. Why would do that? Why would you do that at all? That was not fair. She wouldn't do it to you. You don't realize the things you do only push her away. We try so hard to tell you, but only in vain. We talk to a brick wall every single day. I can't believe you would say what you say. You hurt me most of all, but I'm sure you don't care. You only want her. And I'm just another stepping stone that got in the way.
Unknown "Sweety" Sleepy
- 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
So..the dorm I live in sucks.....There is this alarm on the floor (fire alarm) that hasn't got fixed yet, and it keeps going off at crazy hours of the night. Like it went off at like eleven forty ish yesterday and then again close to one this morning. I am soooooo pissed because I need my sleep and i feel like crying!!!
Unknown "Sweety" Sleepy
- 17 years, 24 days ago
"Gas Prices And Illegal Immigrants: Then Solution- My Mailbox is being flooded with mail concerning the gas prices and illegal immigrants. to boycott oil companies or not; to provide amnesty to illegal immigrants or not, etc. Since I have become jaded to various solutions proposed by the Republicans, Democrats, Sierra Club, ACLU, etc. I have elected to solve the problems as they effect me. It solves both my gas and illegal immigrant problems. I have hired illegal immigrants to push my car. They're plentiful and cheaper than buying gas!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!"
Unknown "Sweety" Sleepy
- 17 years, 2 months, 12 days ago
Ok my friends Kynt and Vyxsin just lost Amazing Race 12 (but to me they are still in it) and me and my friend Zack had watched it and equally got pissed about it. So to calm me down we began joking about it and he suddenly out of no where he was like "Yeah, they're just gonna suddenly appear outta no where and stuff and you are gonna roll over and put your arms around me and then you're gonna open you eyes and Kynt's gonna be like 'Hi Ariel'" and he bursts into laughter. and I'm like "Well on the note I would be like 'OMG GOD WHAT THE HELL!!!" And he said "Well then it'd be me and Vyxsin in the Kitchen eating breakfast and we are gonna hear you scream and we're just gonna be like "Yep, she found out." Then I said "Then I would run out fo the room half naked screaming 'OMG CALL THE COPS!!! THERE'S A PSYCHO HOT GUY IN MY BED!!!" And he laughed for a few minutes and then said "Awww...you wouldn't want to be in the same bed as Kynt." And i was finally like "NOT THAT WAY!!!" -laughs- Ahh...good times good items.....
Unknown "Sweety" Sleepy
- 17 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
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