wowies all my pets are named max at the moment.. that's kinda weird.. ahhah i guess i should start breaking the chain right about now... that's a little too cool..ahah XP.. i'm so lame :D Unknown"chibi-chan"Confused
- 16 years, 7 months, 9 days ago
sorry guys i'm netless as of right now.. so i won't be on as much.. SORRIE SORRIE!! GOMEN MY PET!!! you can get a new master if you want.. UWAHHH >___< Unknown"chibi-chan"Confused
- 16 years, 11 months, 16 days ago
TEST SO MANY MANY MANY TEST!! UAWHHH.. >.<.. going CRAZY!!.... well now that my midterms are finally over.. i can go back to being a semi-bum..pwhaha.. only 41 days left till i can get BE A BUM FOREVER!! well until i got off to college that is.. ahah :D..... kay found this LOL hillarious video.. i laughed so HARD!! kekek they are so KAWAII!! KYAAAAA
- 16 years, 11 months, 26 days ago
had a girls hang out today.. went to watch a movie.. umm National Treasure: book of secrets.. it was pretty good actually..i think i liked it better than the first one... i attempted to make a braclet today..ahah failed horribly...>____<"... ahhah it's okay though.. i'll get it down eventually.. OH AND I GOT ACCEPTED TO THE UNVIERSITY OF GEORGIA!! UWAHHHHHHHHHHh.. i'm so uber HAPPY!! yes.. now all i have to do is my finacial aid and scholarship stuff... BLAH... i hate loans... i'll be up to my head in debt.. TEARS!! (; _ ;) Unknown"chibi-chan"Confused
- 16 years, 12 months ago
awww.. my spring break is almost over.. i'm gonna miss my bumming days.. rawrs.. oh yeah went driving yesterday.. I'M HORRIBLE!! UWAHHH.... my sister rhought she was gonna die.. i'm horrible at turns... UWAHHH... and i'm a speed demon apparently :D..ahhah well i'm just gonna have to work on that i guess.. FIGHTING TARIE!!! ahhahahah :D... blah.. boring day. :P... i have to work at 6... BLAH... NO WORK!! well i need the money so i guess... I'M OFF to work!! :D Unknown"chibi-chan"Confused
- 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
- 16 years, 8 months, 10 days ago
I am glad to receive your comments^^how are u? did somethings happen?u seem very sad.. my owner is my good friend! she is my gf??no!this is only my dream ...haha be happy^^