Well I hope you enjoy all the pets you bought off me, because I for one have a very bad taste in my mouth concerning you and this application and so won't be buying them back, wierd OBSESSED people like you make these apps no fun at all.
"Cass ^(-_-)^ "Purring
- 16 years, 8 months, 25 days ago
Cass...stop being so stupid, have respect for people who already owned the pet you want. I am NOT the only one who hates people who buy a pet without asking first. If he had been a free pet then no big deal, but he had an owner, all you had to do was ask, it is not an unresponable request. Yes it is a game but like all games there are guidelines, they may be unspoken but they still exsist, it is common courtesy to ask before buying an owned pet.
- 16 years, 8 months, 25 days ago
for gawds sake its called 'human pets' we are SUPPOSED to buy our friends are we not?
"Cass ^(-_-)^ "Purring
- 16 years, 8 months, 27 days ago
in my defense Steve was also a friend of mine, the whole point of this application is to buy pets to make money is it not? so in retaliation you bought EVERY SINGLE one of my pets, lol "pot calling the kettle black" here I think, am I complaining? NO, you gave me enough money to buy Steve Back, so thankyou.
Cass Fulford "Cass ^(-_-)^ " Purring - 20 hrs, 2 min ago
YES, I did buy all of Cass's pets but not until after sending her messages....
49 days, 57 minutes ago Plz DO NOT buy my pet without first asking and telling me why you want him. if you are friends or family with him then no big deal, but if you just saw him and thought you wanted him then you should ask first.
Her response... Cass Fulford 48 days, 19 hours, 17 minutes ago PARDON?? you do realise the whole point of this application it to BUY people, it's NOT real life!
My response... 47 days, 16 hours, 35 minutes ago I NEVER said it was real life. Steven is a friend of mine and I would appreciate it if you would stop buying him from me.
She has bought him 8 times in 50 days..NEVER once saying they were friends until now. I am not being unfair to Cass, all I ever asked was for her NOT to STEAL my pet and to come to me and ask first, that is being respectful, something she hasn't done yet. I feel that at this point she is just doing it to be evil. In all fairness I posted the things she sent me as well as things I sent her....I will let others draw thier own conculsions about the situation.
- 16 years, 8 months, 27 days ago