"MY froggy"Seductive
- 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
well, the comment u left and the pic was just as childish if not more so....u wanna play honey, go right ahead...at least i had the decency NOT to post a pic of a woman's ass with the 'kiss' comment....and yes, i will also leave the pic and comment up....
"White Doves Pet"Seductive
- 16 years, 11 months, 9 days ago
this is a comment for lola in response to your childish behavior and comment. you're very welcome to him as a play toy, all i want is his friendship. it was never a competition dear, but if it makes you feel better thinking you won something then good for you. you enjoy him up close and personal and i'll enjoy his friendship and the up close and personal with my man.