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Unknown's tales
Okay, ever since I went back to the states for Christmas, shaved the beard after exposing it to everyone, and returned to the Czech Republic, most of my students are telling me to grow back my beard. Personally I never cared for beards, but I grew one from last year because of the cold. This is shallow of me, but give me your opinion after looking at the profile pics I've just posted, "Beard or No Bread?"
Unknown Hungry
- 17 years, 9 days ago
CHECK OUT MY STORE! I'm trying to come up with more interesting items you find from anywhere else. It's always changing, so Check out the items and pick one out today because it might be gone by tomorrow.
Unknown Hungry
- 17 years, 23 days ago
I've signed up with a talent agency to do some extra work for commercials or stand-ins for movies. Had a Casting Call last week, which I'm supposed to get a callback tomorrow (yeah right), but it'll pay some good money. More than what I make with teaching. Tonight, I got another casting call for Mercedes commercial, which'll pay even more money. It would REALLY be cool if I could get both of these commercials, and I'll be set for the next few months, and leave my insane household. Far as I'm concern, long as the casting calls keep coming, the better chance I'll get landing one of them and moving out my flat. For all my fellow thespians out there, wish me a "break a leg." Get this, they want someone to play an "attractive gangster." Think I can pull that off?
Unknown Hungry
- 17 years, 25 days ago
Why do I got to be Mr. Pink? Why can't I be...like Mr. White or Blonde?
Unknown Hungry
- 17 years, 27 days ago
Valentine's Day is tomorrow. And so far, I'm going to have to celebrate it by myself. I might've had one person, but she's back in the United States and I'm here in Europe. Still I cannot help recall how most of us used to celebrated as kids. My mom always had me make a Valentine, not just for the people I liked, but for EVERYONE who was in my classroom. Being since I had to attend a "special class," I didn't have to make a lot of Valentines, usually 10 to 15 max. Write me back and let me know how you used to celebrate Valentine's Day when you were a kid.
Unknown Hungry
- 17 years, 1 month ago
Curious Emporium
It is a shop for those who wished they can give their selected items in person. ****Sorry but the Dalek item is no longer on sale. Many apologies to you and Human Pets; I will come up with other worthy items.****
Most recent customers:
"Llama King 🦙"
3646519 pts
LiTtLe DeViL
"💔 RIP Jack "
300000 pts
M Diver
"My Enigma x"
1050000 pts
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