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"my yummy grrrrrl"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): cowgirls, punk & leather
Herds: Corsets, Burlesques, and Pinups!, Absinth Carnival, The Shadow Gallery, My Savings Account, Put Your Thumb Up My Bum!, keepsakes & other found objects, Smelly Cheese, The Play Pen
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Unknown's tales
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mira is happy happy joy joy and bouncing through her upper body weight workout.
Unknown "my yummy grrrrrl" Adored - 16 years, 2 months, 2 days ago
horroscope for 2009, courtesy of rob brezny

Virgo Horoscope for week of January 1, 2009

In 2009, you'll receive a lot of help, some unexpected, whenever you phase out your trivial desires so that you can better pursue your truly important desires. The coming months will also be an excellent time to shed unrealistic fantasies so you can be freer to concentrate on the realistic kind. While these are not quite once-in-a lifetime opportunities, Virgo, they may be the once-in-a-decade variety. Why not draw up a plan for how you can take maximum advantage of the specific luck that will be flowing your way?

Unknown "my yummy grrrrrl" Adored - 16 years, 2 months, 4 days ago
have the best night, all of you!
Unknown "my yummy grrrrrl" Adored - 16 years, 2 months, 6 days ago
all in all, 2008 has kicked ass, been divine, been messy and ugly and full of tears at times, resulted in a number of transcendent experiences. i'm one lucky bitch.
Unknown "my yummy grrrrrl" Adored - 16 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
the year is almost gone. HOLY CRAP. much has happened and many people wandered through my life this year. i think my horroscope for the coming year says it all this time 'round. a very lovely person in my has said almost exactly the same thing.
Unknown "my yummy grrrrrl" Adored - 16 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
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Wishing you a bright day You have been given Wishing you a bright day.
Crafted by GreenBubbles
Charline "נקודות" in progress - 15 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
Curvy Confection

Happy St Piran's Day x You have been given Happy St Piran's Day x.
Crafted by Curvy Confection
Curvy Confection "♥perfection" Languid - 16 years, 2 days ago
Curvy Confection
Oooh you've disappeared!!
Where's MIra?
Peek-a-boo You have been given Peek-a-boo.
Crafted by WiTcHy WoMaN
Curvy Confection "♥perfection" Languid - 16 years, 3 days ago
Curvy Confection
Missing you beautiful xxx
Cherry Bomb You have been given Cherry Bomb.
Crafted by Sasha P
Curvy Confection "♥perfection" Languid - 16 years, 6 days ago
WiTcHy WoMaN
Keep your calendar on hand miss Mira for September we shall have a visitor from over the pond who is looking forward to meeting a few fellow Canadians. Will let you know the exact date as soon as we get it figured out but we will be making a trip at some point to visit. Hope all is well in the mighty metropolis. Speak soon
Smile. You have been given Smile..
Crafted by Ulandie Steenberg
WiTcHy WoMaN "Dead" Can be found on FB - 16 years, 10 days ago
Maximum Lethality
awwwwww <3 you and glad you liked it.

hahaha i'd cry a bit if they were my new tats. they're a bit sloppy and uneven, as drawing upside down stars on oneself is not easy. not to mention the slight tipsyness. but have been getting some negative input on the idea, so i figured what better way to see what's what then drawing them on? and i say pffffft to all naysayers, my knees will rock sock drawers the world over...

hating the fact i must wash them away when i hop in the shower in a few minutes...
Hello, My Little Jelly Bean ♥ You have been given Hello, My Little Jelly Bean ♥.
Crafted by Brittany Jennings
Maximum Lethality "Miss Wonderland" Adored - 16 years, 10 days ago
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Unknown's shop

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