-The Beginning.
My tale is as any other might start. It is full of woe, and wonder. Triumph, and suffering. Adventure and terror. I arrived in this place from where, I cannot remember. I glimpse thoughts like water running through my mind. A torrent of images that I cannot grasp but seem all too familiar for all their lack of clarity. I am wounded, but healing. I can smell the forest glade around me, and it's alive. Vibrant and fresh, full of life, I can sense it. Full of every aura imaginable, sentient and soulful. Predators and prey. life. I see in the sky above a hawk circles close by, no doubt stalking one of the many rodents I scent in the area. The greenery around me is dense and lush, a shade of living emeralds. I must heal quickly, I must! I must remember....remember how I came to be here..how came I to this state..and where she is...she...that night, no, not that horrible night...the darkness came and within it.....I must find her. And so I shall heal, and I shall hunt.
- 16 years, 11 months, 9 days ago