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Raven | - Free online hangout and friends
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Raven , 39/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:6:28 AM
Join date:17 years, 4 months, 7 days ago
Location: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Isl Canada

"Quoth the Raven..."
About me:
I'm pretty awesome so feel free to chat me up, just don't buy me coz I happen to like my owner :)
About you:
I'd like to meet fun, witty, intelligent, kind people. I don't like fake people and I can't stand people with excessively poor manners.
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Talk and Thumbing, Coffee Sluts n Studs
Raven's tales
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So it's been a while since my last visit to Human Pets, a lot has happened, some good, some bad...some have even given me more free down time to play around on HP! sinking an axe in to my foot...

Seriously though, I sank an axe in to my foot, lol. It's really the only reason I have enough time to play around online right now. I severed the nerve, went through the bone and it was a terrible mess.

The e.r. trip was worse; I spent nearly 5 hrs bleeding out in the waiting room...plenty of time to note that the only other complaint of all the other patients was...
...... ~*drum roll please*~....
mild to moderate cold like symptoms!...~*cough* know, except for the diaper rash that the retarded teen mother couldn't figure out how to care for (try changing your son's diaper or something, eh?)

Yeah, a runny nose vs. my pint of lost blood and barely there toe=5 hr wait...mmmhmm...almost as bad as the piss poor job the doctor did when he actually saw me. I guess the only thing he did right was lining up the wound...I'd go in to details but I'll spare those faint of heart...

Long story I sit awaiting news as to the status of a wound that refuses to heal thanks to an infection likely caused by my treatment in the e.r. *le sigh*
Raven Feisty - 15 years, 9 months, 18 days ago
Apparently everyone is amused with my attempts at gamer nerdiness so I'm gonna roll on that with the hopes of more thumbs ;)

I'm a gamer, not one of those emo kids who's all like, "Ninteno is my happy because that's what the fad tells me" *tries to slit wrists on squared edge of the controller*...NO...that's just wrong. I appreciate the old Nintendo but emo kids have ruined it for us genuinely awesome folk.

I've moved on to bigger and better things. Final Fantasy and I were like inseperable lovers for the better part of 3 years. I still play the PS2s but SE are rip off bastards and I choose to not pay in to their whims online.

Call of Duty is played ritualistically by myself and my friends. A simple phrase, "Up for zombies?" and I'm there.

As for online...well, Age of Conan has me in it's grasp...and I'm not a willing captor. I think I've made about a billion toons, have 3 running that I won't build up because something about them always bothers me. It's like, seriously, man, you're making leaps and bounds in the gaming world, your graphics are stunning...but your toons look like shit and the hype about real time combat is somewhat false.

At the end of the day, I just wish someone would play crib with me or teach me how to play poker. My "poker face" would be cleavage. Beat that.

Raven Raven
Raven Feisty - 15 years, 11 months, 8 days ago
It's quite difficult to maneuver a razer copperhead if you're accustomed to a $10 logitech. My thumbs are more precious than you think!

**My mouse pad is wearing pretty the 1" square it takes to navigate my cursor...the settings are on minimum. This mouse is intense.**
Raven Feisty - 15 years, 11 months, 8 days ago
1. How tall are you barefoot? 5'7"
2. Have you ever smoked heroin? No
3. Do you own a gun? No
4. Do you play with the ads on the side of the screen? Hell no
5. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"? Yes
6. What do you think of hot dogs? Oh dear
7. What's your favorite Christmas song? Any dirty parody of an x-mas song
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee
9. Can you do push ups? A few
10. Is your bathroom clean? Yep ^^ Both of them
11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My leather bracelet
12. Do you like pain killers? Only if I have a migraine
13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? Boobs; I has them
14. Do you own a knife? Yes. But my swords are much better ;)
15. Do you have A.D.H.D? Eh what? Look over ther, glitter!
16. Middle Name? Oh no, caught me there; Raven ;)
18. What's your normal bed time? Bed...time?
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Water, coffee, tea
20. What time did you wake up today? 9 am
21. Name one person that comes to mind right now? Grrr
22. Current worry? That I will never own my own llama farm (ooh avoidance)
24. Favorite place to be? On a sandy beach at dusk
25. Least favorite place to be? Here...stupid frozen sky stars
27. Do you own slippers? No :(
28. What shirt are you wearing? Black tank
29. How many people have ever truly broken your heart? 2
30. Favorite color(s)? Black, blue and turquoise
31. Would you be a pirate? Yar
32. Last time you had an alcoholic drink? Last night
33. What songs do you sing in the shower? I make up my own
34. What did you fear was going to get you in the night as a child? You don't want to know
35. What's in your pockets right now? 12 quarters and a dime
36. Is anyone on your mind right now? Yep
37. Do you think you get enough exercise? Uh no
38. Worst injury you've ever had? Compound fracture ftw
39. If you could cheat on your spouse, would you? No
40. Why? What a stupid question; obviously any partner of mine would rock socks and I'd not have the need to stray
41. Who is your loudest friend? Lissa <3
42. Who is your most silent friend? Deanna
43. Does someone have a crush on you? Yep
44. Do you wish on shooting stars? Yes
45. What is your favorite book? The Art of War
46. What is your favorite candy? Gummy frogs
47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding? I hate everything about you
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? See you on the other side
49. What is one of your favorite quotes? Peace sells but who's buying?
50. What were you doing 12 AM last night? Playing video games, of course.
Raven Feisty - 16 years, 14 days ago
Gluttony:Very Low
Lust:Very High
Pride:Very Low

The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on
Raven Feisty - 16 years, 17 days ago
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Hi There ... I am from PEI too ... home for a little vacation ... hope your week is going well.
a large double double You have been given a large double double.
Crafted by Raven
Jason Content - 14 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
Mister Frost

Eat ME! ♥ You have been given Eat ME! ♥.
Crafted by Fang
Mister Frost "My Desire ~NFS~" Courageous - 14 years, 3 months, 28 days ago
Mister Frost
bubbles You have been given bubbles.
Crafted by Unknown
Mister Frost "My Desire ~NFS~" Courageous - 14 years, 3 months, 28 days ago
Mister Frost
ooooooo look...shiney! You have been given ooooooo look...shiney!.
Crafted by Mister Frost
Mister Frost "My Desire ~NFS~" Courageous - 14 years, 3 months, 28 days ago
Mister Frost
...I'd heard that before....where....hmmmmmmmmmmm don't say? You have been given don't say?.
Crafted by Mister Frost
Mister Frost "My Desire ~NFS~" Courageous - 14 years, 3 months, 28 days ago
Mister Frost's the plan coming together???
Is that a gun in your pocket? You have been given Is that a gun in your pocket?.
Crafted by Marigold
Mister Frost "My Desire ~NFS~" Courageous - 14 years, 3 months, 28 days ago
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Raven's shop
The Dumpster Dive...

Random junk...

1 use

200 pts
Bought by 3 people
a llama
1 use

200 pts
a llama
Bought by 2 people
a camel toe
1 use

200 pts
a camel toe
Bought by 13 people
a faux-hawk
1 use

200 pts
a faux-hawk
Bought by 11 people
empty threats
1 use

200 pts
empty threats
Bought by 31 people
a hot dog
1 use

200 pts
a hot dog
Bought by 10 people
a little fear and loathing
1 use

200 pts
a little fear and loathing
Bought by 22 people
a large double double
1 use

200 pts
a large double double
Bought by 16 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 3 people
a red pill
1 use

200 pts
a red pill
Bought by 12 people
a guardian angel
1 use

200 pts
a guardian angel
Bought by 23 people
a junky pup!
1 use

200 pts
a junky pup!
Bought by 10 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 27 people
kitty dance!
1 use

200 pts
kitty dance!
Bought by 7 people
a lamp
1 use

200 pts
a lamp
Bought by 6 people

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