there is a high chance you wont like me. i like most people untill they give me a reason not to - piss me off enough just tell me how you'd like me to kill you.
personally i cant stand who i am. i'm a bitch, bit of a slut, i've done some things i really shouldnt have (i never seem to learn), i 've hurt people i love (and continue to do so), i'm everything society hates, i'm seriously sick in the head, i get depressed occasonally, i'm usually on self destruct mode nd i'll prob be lucky to see another 5 years (fuck i'll be shocked if i see my 23rd birthday), i'm prob a crap girlfriend, i'll never be a mother (a mini chloe - way to scary) - i dont care what people tell me i'd be a crap mother, i've come extreamly close to being an alchie (not that it stops me beg a total pisshead now), apparantly my dad would have me if he was alive, i'm everything my mum didnt want in a daughter, i choose fuckin dickheads for boyfriends, i have NO self confidence any more.....
right now i've gotten to the stage where i just dont give a fuck anymore. and shit you've got to say i've heard it all before - ugly, bitch, freak, evil (no shit), devils whore etc (i'm still tying to work out how i'm my own whore - please tell me
love me or hate me im still gonna be here (hell your still thinking about me :p) and i'm still gonna annoy the fuck out of ya (and quite possibly perv on you - that and flirting is why i'm ALWAYS in trouble - ok the main reasons :p)
there said my piece. if you want to say something then fucking say it
Unknown "Dark Angel" Naughty
- 16 years, 4 months, 8 days ago