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"Elven Boy"

Unknown, 48/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:7:19 AM
Join date:16 years, 11 months, 21 days ago
Location: Cippenham United Kingdom

"Frank is thinking: "My neck, my back...""
About me:
Hmm what the hell am I doing here :P. ok well, I guess I could say I'm somebody with a good sense of humor, witty, fun-loving, and chatty, is a good listener, always compassionate, never judgmental, but then again, I could be way can only take that presumption from what my friends tell me, but they could be wrong too, so wtf...haha. I am also a hopeless romantic, and I believe my second half deserves every bit of attention I can give her. I can be stubborn at times, and I'm not influenced by anything without my express permission (haha). I like to believe that I have a good sense of style, appreciate class and like to respect and be respected. so I can be normal sometimes too ^_^ I don't have time or energy for pretentious people, so don't even try!!!!! I guess since I'm a Leo and all, I have to say I can be a perfectionist at times, moods change often, and a bit fussy :P I've been told that I have a dark, mysterious way about me...(and totally a good way xD)yet on the other hand I can be the most fun loving, cheerful guy, ready for a good Finally, all that's left to say I guess is, I'm faithful and dependable, and always ready to be the first one to try sort things out, or just listen... I have Bipolar, and before u throw your hands in the air, I'll try explain, but very briefly, u can ask if u want to know more....I can't control my up and down moods, and up can be irritable or energetic, overly happy, erratic, cheeky, hyper etc, and down can be depressed, feel like crying, so totally alone, can't move from the sheer weight of it all, extreme loneliness...and I try with all my being to make up for it while I feel good, since I believe it to be only fair right? I won't go on...I need an extremely giving, patient, loving, affectionate, devoted person, because I am that way too, and it helps me cope, believe me I know what I'm talking about...but anywho I am really intense and quite intelligent, and it would take a strong will to cope with me every
About you:
I have always been REALLY cautious about expressing feelings for someone especially letting it really come out always the only difference is I reached a point after the way I was treated and misused/abused etc and after many many months of self torture and loneliness and deep thought I said FUCK IT I'm not getting anywhere, least of all what I want and I just threw it all away it will never happen if I dwell and worry and stress about being mistreated again so yes, I still worry to no end when I meet someone BUT I still put everything I have in since it won't happen on its own and the right girl will know what to do with that kind of flowing energy and affection treat it for what it's worth and not manipulate so I fall headlong into the spiral of hope, burning as I fall, but hoping for a soft landing I am sick of waiting and being scared of expression because if we don't express how we feel we are lying to ourselves
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: We Have Tattoos

14516 pts
"fiery princess"
1694 pts

"timeless beauty"
50 pts
Unknown's tales
hey guys! I have a new tattoo pic up, showing the progress so far of my full sleeve design. I think it's coming along quite nicely :P. Sorry for being away for so long x

Unknown "Elven Boy" Lonely - 16 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
I have always been REALLY cautious about expressing feelings for someone

especially letting it really come out


the only difference is

I reached a point

after the way I was treated

and misused/abused etc

and after many many months

of self torture and loneliness

and deep thought

I said

FUCK IT I'm not getting anywhere, least of all what I want

and I just threw it all away

it will never happen if I dwell

and worry

and stress about being mistreated again

so yes, I still worry to no end when I meet someone


I still put everything I have in

since it won't happen on its own

and the right girl will know what to do with that kind of flowing energy and affection

treat it for what it's worth

and not manipulate

so I fall headlong into the spiral of hope, burning as I fall, but hoping for a soft landing

I am sick of waiting and being scared of expression

because if we don't express how we feel

we are lying to ourselves

if we hold back when we meet someone

they see us as the person they meet

not as the person we are

so what are the chances that person is wrong for me


so I have to totally explode with who I am

many will run, many have

but ffs.....I won't live forever, and I want to be needed, like everybody

and I want to love again

worrying about what might happen keeps you in the hole

there HAS to be a point in your life where you just tell everything that holds you back to just FUCK OFF

and a lot of that life has passed already

so isn't every day supposed to be precious?

I am so done with thinking...I just want to feel and do...end of it

instead of let another 10 years go by in worry

we are afraid of pain

but we hurt ourselves by staying in our holes

unable to grow

unable to feel the warmth

we won't grow

we won't live

we will just stagnate, wallowing in resentment and fear

never believing in anything

hope is nothing without means

and for me

if I feel something that can bring do you think I will do?

I can die any time, but I'd prefer it to be in happiness and love

think of it like this: think Romeo & Juliet, x that by 10, and thats a watered down normal for me....god wtf is wrong with me....I will be alone forever it


do you know what is scary

every time I try

I make more effort

and I am so cracking under the strain
Unknown "Elven Boy" Lonely - 16 years, 9 months, 18 days ago
New tattoo pics up! The very start of my right arm full sleeve design. check back for updates x
Unknown "Elven Boy" Lonely - 16 years, 9 months, 18 days ago

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