25 April 2008, Gloomy day
i have been waited so long for today to come.. At least, able to enjoy my big day. However, when today finally reached, i feel so down, sad and hopeless.
Many things happen today. There are thief enter my house during the night and stole my frens stuffs away.. Although all my stuffs all still remain where i had left it, but i know, the thief had open my drawer and run through my stuff. I feel so unsafe. We went to the police station to make a police report, and return knowing that there is nothing we can do left besides becareful. Even the police officer said so. Too many cases had happen in the area i'm staying in but the police can't catch them as no one had seen this thief before. the thief climb through a window after bending the iron bar to make it a bigger hole, but yet the window is still very small. How he manage to enter our house through this small hole is still a question to us.
Then, there is a bunch of juniors that will be moving into our house. They had put their stuff here. What i don't like about them is they have no respect to other people. They come and go whenever they want and we still welcome them to put their stuff.. I feel so stupid. they did not kept their promise. We are moving out but all our furnitures that the juniors promise to buy over still ours as they do not want it after saying they will take over. Our deposits...haiz...
Then, i went to meet with my supervisor to discuss on my project paper. i plan to get my draft thesis back but the draft haven't even reach her yet. why the staffs in the department of a local University is not efficient at all. so she haven give marks to my project yet..OMG!! how long is this thing gonna delay me? yet the due date is next week...Ahhh... i'm going crazy soon.
Then, when i reached home, my friend were complaining about his "project" that he do. He is actually helping this malay gal to do her project yet the malay gal is not co-operate with him. he complained and complained and i can't help him bcoz he said there is nothing i can do. If there is a way, he would had figure it out. Sometimes ppl are too stuborn and selfish that will causes so much trouble to other ppl. but always remember what JT told us, "What goes around, come all the way back around!".
Lastly, i feel thankful if there is anyone that read this. thanks for letting me share my feelings with you.
Unknown "=X~@@" Scared
- 16 years, 11 months, 14 days ago