Well this tale begins with a wee pet named bartholomew. He was a young pet and he lived at the edge of the great fakeebouk woods.
One day as he was travelling home from Colinsville, he discovered a small shrew at the side of the road. The shrew why lying face down in the ditch at the side of the road approzimately 4 and 20 leagues from Colinsville.
Bartholomew decided to help to poor shrew, becuase that was the kind of friend he was. He helped the shrew into his cart, which he used to ferry his turnips to Colinsville.
The ride home was very awkward becuase the shrew seemed very shy and didn't say anything.
The shrew lived with Bartholomew over the next few weeks, and over this time Bartholomew grew to live with the shrews shyness, and the fact that te shrew was very weak and could only lie in bed all day.
Bartholomew tried to nurse him back to health, but the shrew, if anything, got worse, and his fur started to fall out and he started to smell very bad.
Bartholomew assumed that the shrew had some illness and so the next day he went directly to fetch the doctor, leaving the shrew warmly rapped up.
Bartholomew returned a few hours later with the doctor from Colinsville.
Whilst the doctor checked the shrew, Bartholomew made some tea.Just as the water came to boiling point, the doctor appeared at the door to the bedroom that the shrew had been using.
"So doctor, how is he?" said Bartholomew.
"Well I hate to break this to you, but...well...urmm...thats not a shrew in there."
"What! Are you sure? well what is it then, an otter, rat, ferret, minx?
"No, this is from a different family completely. Its an old boot!"
Bartholomew couldn't believe this.
"But surely this cannot be! It moved, it ate the food i gave it, it even made noises!"
"Well thats understandable, given your condition" said the doctor. "You are living in a hole in the ground and right now you are talking to a root, believing it to be me, a doctor!"
"Well thanks doc." said bartholomew. "same time next week?" and with that he took his twig hat and skipped off in the direction of the mall.
Unknown "Carlos Fangdango" Confused
- 17 years, 1 month, 6 days ago