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Tash | - Free online hangout and friends
Samantha Angel
Samantha Angel owns this human at 350000 points.

"~The Monkey~"

Tash , 42/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:02 PM
Join date:17 years, 6 months, 4 days ago
Location: South Africa

"I would rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i am not....."
About me:
I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not....

I changed my font at
Myspace Layouts
About you:

Music Playlist at

I got my Myspace layout from pYzam.

Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): *Where Angels Fear to Tread*
Herds: ÇÖvëñ ÖF ÐâRKÑÊ$§, ~Ink & Steel~, Tatts & Piercings, I'm an insane photographer!, Tom's Thumbs!, Riders Club, Home of the Alien Princess, The Jungle faceBook, The Big Five, Royal Bank of Gaz, Team Ian, TheHerdYourOwnerToldYouNotToJoin, body modification appreciation, Altin's thumbing herd, The Alternative Society Herd, The Black Raven, Dirty Thumbs 4 Antonio $$$, Idols Maker, Herd of Bikers, TATTOO FREAKS, NEW FRIENDS ON HP, KICK-ASS TATTOO

"Partner in Crime"
39580 pts

"Enzo :) "
3000 pts
Tash's tales
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Tash "~The Monkey~" Sparkling - 16 years, 1 month, 27 days ago
No one can liberate you, for no one has bound you. You hold onto the nettle of wordly pleasures and you weep for pain. Give up the attachment to the not let your mind be bound by the limitations of your body...
Tash "~The Monkey~" Sparkling - 16 years, 1 month, 27 days ago

Horror Pictures at

Tash "~The Monkey~" Sparkling - 16 years, 3 months, 27 days ago

Tash "~The Monkey~" Sparkling - 16 years, 3 months, 27 days ago
Well, It's over and I wish I could go back to that moment where I was swinging, so free and in a completely different world...I was up for about an hour and a half and it was the most fantastic experience....I cannot find the words to describe how it made me feel, I wish I could. All I can do is tell anyone who hasn't done it, to do it!! You WILL be hooked (pun intended..tee hee). I am...I will be doing it again, that I know for sure! I just want to thank everybody who wished me well and was thinking about me on the day. Also, to those who attended, THANK YOU for making it such a special and memorable experience for me...and lastly, THANK YOU to my awesome crew!! Because of you it was a flawless and fuckin awesome guys rock....
Tash Tash Tash Tash Tash Tash Tash Tash
Tash "~The Monkey~" Sparkling - 16 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
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Hey! oh I know, I only pop in now and then these days..but always lovely to say hi :)
hi there ;) You have been given hi there ;).
Crafted by -S-
Ned "Zippy" Cheeky - 14 years, 1 month, 22 days ago
Hey sexy. where you been?
PsYcHoDaRiA "PsychoDaria" ♥~!Sexilic ious!~♥ - 14 years, 5 months, 5 days ago
Monkey !! Hi :D hmm my auction, I'm glad you know the real me and know that I am joking.. god knows what the rest of HP thinks to that auction lol. Thanks for the bid.
I'm doing great thank you! All good on the work front, plotting another rally with Gaz for the summer, still out scooting to Liverpool on Sunday in fact. I decorated the scoot with some more decals, so will have to post pics at some point. Not been to any gigs lately, but discovered a load of new bands. There's really some awesome new tunes out there at the moment.
Ooh, and I'm also out tonight, trying to binge drink and remain cool about it..however, I am getting to a point now, and really can't believe I'm admitting this to you, that I know I can't do it anymore :) ugh, the hangovers are worse and just not worth it ! I say this every weekend mind you.... lol
Hey, I see you had a little bit of an up and down day today.. don't ever forget that I'm always rooting for you. I always will do. Talking of which I just want to say too that I'm thrilled and so happy for you right now. The news is just the best and brought a big smile to my face. You're gonna be great too ! Now, I do have a little joke about clothes, about you both being able to share them seeing as you'll be about the same size for a few years... but I won't, I'll be good ;)
Take good care Monkey, doubly so now :D
Never washed away =] You have been given Never washed away =].
Crafted by Princess_Lost
Ned "Zippy" Cheeky - 14 years, 9 months, 27 days ago
Tertius Human

Let's dance You have been given Let's dance.
Crafted by Tertius Human
Tertius Human "Black Dragon" Hopeless - 14 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
Hahaha, well, we both know you have no chance of ever being ..High ! Shortie ;-p
tact You have been given tact.
Crafted by Andrea
Ned "Zippy" Cheeky - 15 years, 3 days ago
wicked pics. cheers
Ian "Ninja☆Bunny " - 15 years, 12 days ago
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Tash's shop
This is.....

Pyzam Glitter Text Maker
Glitter Graphics Maker & MySpace Layouts


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