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Stryker Phamin | - Free online hangout and friends
Shameless owns this human at 210000 points.

Stryker Phamin
Stryker Phamin
"Ze Boss"

Stryker Phamin, 46/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:8:51 AM
Join date:17 years, 2 months, 28 days ago
Location: Minneapolis, MN United States

"If you wanna buy me thats cool but if you just wanna buy and sell me then leave me alone."
About me:
I have pets.. if you want one buy it.. just dont think I wont buy it back! With that said onward to the other crap.. Im a single mom. Always have been always will be.. so I have a low tolerance for bullshit.. I have a sense to know when someone is tryin to toy with me.. so I am anti social most the time.. I dont get along well with many ppl so IF by chance I choose to talk to you.. you have sparked my curosity and sometimes it gets the better of me... I am single but I am not looking for Mr. Perfect or Mr. Right Now.. Im just looking to meet interesting new people who can spark my curiousity.
About you:
Eh.. I dunno.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones!
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Strykers Domicile..
Herds: - Thumbs of the Nephilim -, the workers clan, Dragon's Horde
"Strys Sex GOD"
53494 pts

30150 pts
24550 pts

"not 4 sale"
20110 pts
"Naughty nic!"
13396 pts
In My Heart...
Houssam Chehadi
Houssam Chehadi
"My Friend Always"
10500 pts
A Smith
A Smith
"Mr. A Smith"
10358 pts
Bored of HP. Save me.
7350 pts

"Cosmo Girl"
5250 pts

5060 pts
2916 pts
Whokilled Myfish
Whokilled Myfish
"My catfish"
130 pts

Venron Burgess
Venron Burgess
"The Thinker"
90 pts

80 pts

Josh Eastin
Josh Eastin
70 pts

60 pts

Justin Time
Justin Time
60 pts
kneeling knave
"My sissy biatch"
60 pts
Eliot Paul Galton
Eliot Paul Galton
"Me Again"
60 pts
joseph Lanthier
joseph Lanthier
"Linda's pet"
60 pts
50 pts
Sir Smartass
Sir Smartass
"My minion"
50 pts

Untamed Wolf
Untamed Wolf
"Primal Beast"
50 pts

"Not for Sale"
50 pts
Josh D
Josh D
50 pts
Stryker's tales
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Stryker Phamin
I just have to say Im slightly annoyed.. the previous owner sold meh back to the store... so I sold him back.. I like the high price I had lol but now im just a cheap pet again lol... I know I make it sound so degrading... yet fun hahaha
Stryker Phamin "Ze Boss" Evasive - 16 years, 5 months, 4 days ago
Stryker Phamin
I hate crying... and i hate that a man can bring me to tears just because.. you men suck!
Stryker Phamin "Ze Boss" Evasive - 16 years, 8 months, 28 days ago
Stryker Phamin
Apparently I am just stupid.. you see i kinda liked this guy and for some stange reason i keep getting told if only you were closer.. apparently guys dont know how much that really hurts when it is repeated to you so many times from guys.. and its ten times worse when its a guy you think is just freaking awesome.. like there is no flaw that you can find to make him seem like a jerk in any way.. but yet you know you are getting close to him and want more but instead of letting it happen you push him away.. it makes it easier right.. so you dont get the rejection you know is coming.. am I wrong?
Stryker Phamin "Ze Boss" Evasive - 16 years, 8 months, 28 days ago
Stryker Phamin
Okay so I havent done a tale in a good amount of time.. I just havent had much to say that was in the ways of being positive.. but today I am feeling a bit more upbeat.. I have been obscenely tired lately and sleeping an obscene amount as well.. Which if you know me is just completely unlike me.. I am a freaking insomniac... so lets just say its odd. a trip to the doc might proove to be a good idea.... if they dont try to steal meh blood again.. I swear everytime I go in there they try to draw blood like I am not a needle phobe.. Come on ppl.. when you need an anxiety pill to just get blood drawn wouldnt you say that is a issue?? lol.. I know I am bad at that.. but I have my phobias lol.. yes I said phobias implying I have more then one lol
Stryker Phamin "Ze Boss" Evasive - 16 years, 9 months, 11 days ago
Stryker Phamin
So have you ever wondered why... with all your friends being in a relationship you end up being the one who seems to know what to tell them to either fix it or to get over a ending one.. yet at this same time in your life... you can not seem to keep one?.. i have yet to figure this out.. I am no kind of authority on how to get over a relationship or how to make one last or even on how to get into one with a guy.. why??.... well cause I have not been in one that was serious since I was maybe 17 or 18.. why?... Obviously I hold everyone at arms distance and I dont like getting close.. yet I tell meh friends what they need to do.. and it seems to be good advice.. now if only my life would work out..cause now.. I do really like someone.. in the serious kind of way.. yet I cant seem to get into a relationship.. I want to but I honestly dont know if it is me holding myself back or if it really is him.
Stryker Phamin "Ze Boss" Evasive - 17 years, 7 days ago
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for being a stranger...don't be a stranger now ya hear!! :-* :)
You need a good spanking :D You have been given You need a good spanking :D.
Crafted by R A I N S T E R
Shameless "Dead bt Dreaming" - 1 year, 9 months, 27 days ago
i'll be the girl ok....comforting hugs! hey dont go getting ideas or a boner you perv! :D
A comforting hug You have been given A comforting hug.
Crafted by Star light
Shameless "Dead bt Dreaming" - 1 year, 9 months, 27 days ago
oops it has been so long since my last visit.... and and you still haven't thumbed my comments...okok this item was for its for you! :D:D
.oops! my bad.. You have been given .oops! my bad...
Crafted by Morrigan
Shameless "Dead bt Dreaming" - 1 year, 9 months, 27 days ago
Mad Hatter
Hi there 😊
Tea with the mad hatter You have been given Tea with the mad hatter.
Crafted by Donna Kemp
Mad Hatter "Mon Chapelier" Sparkling - 1 year, 10 months, 13 days ago
oh you're not in...k byeeeeeeeeeeee :D
no bj? K THX BAI You have been given no bj? K THX BAI.
Crafted by Vade Retro
Shameless "Dead bt Dreaming" - 2 years, 20 days ago
look at all the affectionate touches i bring...screaming wont save you! and yes i went straight for the bewb :D x me.. You have been given me...
Crafted by Critter
Shameless "Dead bt Dreaming" - 2 years, 28 days ago
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Stryker's shop

nice assortment of diffrent things.

All pixel dolls such as the faeries and what not were made by me in adobe bases are from random doll sites.

personal porn star
1 use

400 pts
personal porn star
Bought by 130 people
Do it again?
1 use

400 pts
Do it again?
Bought by 68 people
purple fairie
1 use

350 pts
purple fairie
Bought by 47 people
best head
1 use

400 pts
best head
Bought by 32 people
1 use

300 pts
Bought by 34 people
Intimate Kisses
1 use

300 pts
Intimate Kisses
Bought by 35 people
green faerie
1 use

350 pts
green faerie
Bought by 25 people
Think Naughtier
1 use

300 pts
Think  Naughtier
Bought by 21 people
Ive been bad
1 use

200 pts
Ive been bad
Bought by 13 people
Whipped Cream and Handcuffs
1 use

300 pts
Whipped Cream and Handcuffs
Bought by 10 people
Ocean trip
1 use

700 pts
Ocean trip
Bought by 10 people
Im not ignoring you......
1 use

300 pts
Im not ignoring you......
Bought by 8 people
Bad mouth
1 use

300 pts
Bad  mouth
Bought by 6 people

Most recent customers:
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Sssshhh ! wasn't here or was I ?
"Phantom "
500000 pts
Cheeky Little Minx
Cheeky Little Minx
"my sweet treat"
220500 pts

"Dead bt Dreaming"
140713 pts
The Witcher
"Bam bam"
1795862 pts

"Irish Angel"
162894 pts
Let the Blackness Roll on
"My Boo Bear"
945000 pts
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