There was no need to get so defensive. I don't like her like that and Krystal knows this. She's just a really good friend. I love Alex. I just wanted to own Krystal on here because she is my friend and I thought it would be fun to keep trying to outbid you for her. I never intended anything harmful by it. I have nothing against you at all, in fact I couldn't be more happy. You make one of my best friends a very happy woman and I appreciate that.
- 16 years, 11 months, 8 days ago
Umm...I already won. You can have her name on an application on some website. Big fucking deal. You won the battle but lost the war. The war was won two years ago on April 26. She chose me. And what about Alex? How would she feel about you competing so fiercely over another woman? Son, time to pick one and give up on the other. You can't have your cake and eat it too.