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Unknown's tales
so for your enjoyment, and because i figured this out im gonna post a script i've been working on
its a monlogue. if you guys like it like me kno and i'll post my other one tomorrow!! its way more scary. this one is more...."sensual" as its been phrased to say

A young Vampire Girl. She hates the meaning of her existence, to only feed on the life she was forced to leave behind. Meanwhile she loves the power that it brings her. She is lonely; the vampire that guided her into her new life was killed many centuries ago. He was her love; he was the reason why she accepting what she was. Now after many centuries of being alone, she has decided to create a new partner, someone who can live in the shadows with her. She is hoping to find purpose again.

Stumbling in alleyways, she is fading in and out of insanity and paranoia and grief. As she talks you can see the slight difference in her when she is human and when she is a night walker.


It's time to hunt I need my flesh fix soon. I needed because without it I feel alone. Empty and alone. My meaning has been shattered. I left that life for love. I left that life to fulfill my meaning. Now here I am. Alone. Not for long though. Soon I shall have my stallion. Soon I will have love. Funny how I find myself right where I was. Looking for love. The mortal quest. “It is better to have loved and lost than to have ever loved at all.” Words that they live by. But where do I fit in? I have loved and lost, but now I have to spend eternity alone. Alone and empty. Unless I find that sent that is driving me tonight. What a wonderful sent. Any idea I had of relinquishing my plan has been faltered every sniff I take. It is that sent that only the night knows. The smell of labor, the smell of victory. The smell of a man. A man that is truly a man. One that has honor, loyalty, pride, and passion. A sent that will only make him more desirable. A sent that I had found myself tracking when I walked the streets, alone. I gave up my everything never to be alone. I gave it up willingly and easily. And here I am. I was once a virtue. Full of innocence. Full of grace. And now here I am staggering, showing what I knew was always lurking beneath. Darkness. I can have any man, easily. But who wants anything that means nothing? I am a champion, but I will not play this sport. I want it. I want that touch. Of warm flesh, flesh that I left behind. I want the feel alive again. I want to feel a heart beat. I want to feel the rapture and the animal. I want my stallion to command, although I am the one that takes the lead. I want to feel his fingers linger in aw of what he’ll become. And stop at every crevasse, valley, and mountain, and worship it. Make his choice be determined before I even ask for it. But how do you ask someone so full of life to give it up? Give up the sun, for I shall be the light that guides you. Give up the breeze, for I shall be the wind beneath your wings. Give up your air, for I shall give you breath.
I'll end up devouring, and there won't be anything left anything of any uses anyway. I need that young stallion. One whose labors has be proven, whose labors will be tested in the life yet to come. A stallion whose labor are proven useful. His fruit, his sweet nectar; even more than I can bare. And I can tell such for his sent. The nectar of life that flows through him shall be deceitful to me. For I will have one night of my guilty pleasures of my guilty sin! He needs to be fever to the touch, and can melt this icy heart. This heart that has been left alone for far too long. A heart that only knows the boundaries of a body that has lost all its function many years ago. But what of this chalice? This vassal that holds what? A heart with no beat, no blood, no love, no soul! How can I ever wish, and place this upon anyone? But oh my mind has been made and in only hours I will feel skin and be touched. I have not felt anyone in such a long time. Not in me manner of ever having the touch of return. I have slid into the dark corners of reality to have my existence linger the sub-consciousness of those who have heard rumors of what I am. I am craving for the lust of the young stallion. The fibers left of this being in which I am are yearning for him, to feel him. One should wonder how I left my eternity feeling so alone I could feel alive and only one night it all can be fixed in one night. To feel the intensity in his eyes, and the intimacy in his arms. To hear his heart beat from across the room. To feel his heart beat to hear the blood in his veins race. Skin so soft, skins so ripe, full with power, full of good breeding. This fight will take all night. And why shouldn't it? I am just as equally powerful. If not, I am stronger. My mind is working much faster, and he doesn't even know that it is going on. He isn't even a player; just a pawn, just like in the game of chess. There is something much larger than him. In this game, where the outcome is for survival, the end always justifies the mean. The choice I have tonight, an act of love, and desperation, a love that I will give will be concrete and binding. He will love me, and he will never leave me. Tonight, I will sculpt him from dependent to independent. Into a man who can stand up and protect what he is born into. And he will love as such a man can, the fairytale love that they have created that can only exists in this world that has no limits that has no boundaries. And they will call it inhumane. They will see destruction, obsession, power and they will fear it. What they will never know is the lust and the passion in this connection. And he will love me because I have created him into such. To set the trap, to use me as the bait. Who will get bitten by this bug? Who will love who first? The creator loving their creation? Or the creation loving the breath that created their life? And who will get their foot caught in this snare? Come, young stallion. Follow this little fishy, and see how big it will grow in the hours yet to come. Come and see its fangs! Let me feed on your fantasies and let loose to live out your wildest dreams! Give in to all that you were brought up not to. See me and give in to temptation, touch me in delivering yourself to evil. If you had the choice to make eternity last all night, would you take it? I have spotted you. Begin your game. Batting eyelashes, playful grin. Eye contact. Your hooked. Your mine.

Unknown Lonely - 15 years, 12 months ago

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Forever torn between

Be mine You have been given Be mine.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Lil´s freak" Crazy - 15 years, 8 months, 23 days ago
My "Claudia".....

Have you got nooooo idea why you are what you are? Have you got no idea who you are who you are?

Have thou not watched "Interview with a Vampire"?
Thou art the girl who is being turned and has the issues!!
Unknown "Lil´s freak" Crazy - 15 years, 10 months, 2 days ago
Unknown "Lil´s freak" Crazy - 15 years, 10 months, 2 days ago
YOU...... are now MINE!!!!
Destined to roam the nights on this earth at my side........ FOREVERRRRRR!!
Unknown "Lil´s freak" Crazy - 15 years, 10 months, 4 days ago

You have been given YOU ARE MINE TONIGHT!! ;-).
Crafted by NaNa Jit-tang
Unknown "MetalClaw" Naughty - 15 years, 10 months, 17 days ago
Sergio The Saint
You have been given Draw me a sheep!.
Crafted by Hey
Sergio The Saint "Ser" Naughty - 15 years, 10 months, 27 days ago
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