Unknown"xX wifey xX nfs"Loving
- 17 years, 15 days ago
Unknown"xX wifey xX nfs"Loving
- 17 years, 15 days ago
I took a random quiz and this is what the result was:
'You're The Tease. You're a naughty naughty girl (or boy). You like getting them all worked up, only to leave them with nothing. *someone's* milkshake brings all the boys to the yard'
Ppl out there who know me this cant be true cant it?...lol of course it is or you dont know me at all haha
Unknown"xX wifey xX nfs"Loving
- 17 years, 17 days ago
I refuse to clean up after my fiance once he has been in the kitchen i know its the same for all u ladies/men out there but my god is like the kitchen has been hit by a bomb...ketchup up the wall..rice on the celing..i know what ur asking urself how an earth did it get up there...THATS WHAT I WANT TO KNOW..well i refuse to go in there cook or anything until it is all clean...I aint no slave!!! Unknown"xX wifey xX nfs"Loving
- 17 years, 17 days ago
hmmm...welll my tale...i spose i could tell the tale about when i was at reading festival a few years bk i was at the front of the crowd and then got pulled over by the guards and as this was done my skirt blew up and my knickers were on show not only that the camera zoomed in on my arse/knicerks and then the whole campsite and arena could see them...i was then known as the the french maiden '(as was wearing french knickers) and knicker queen for the whole of the fesitival....but i saw the funny side of it and couldnt stop laughing for hours after haha Unknown"xX wifey xX nfs"Loving
- 17 years, 17 days ago
"X My Prince X"Tired
- 17 years, 10 days ago
hey chcik i thumbed you and i agree with the tale about how men are messy my kitchen always looks like a boom when my partner has bin in it lol i get sick of cleaning up afer him x x