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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): Charitable Thumbs, Will-N-Chari, MANY Thumbs for Charity
Herds: Thumbs and More Thumbs, Viva la chispa!
Unknown's tales
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Alright......All you MEN out there that DON'T read people's profiles & see the "be respectful" part in mine: Go the FUCK away!!!!!

Sorry, saying things like "your so hot", "you look sexy", "wanna do me?".....etc does NOTHING for me! I'm a classy gal. Show me you have a brain & are not lead around by your pants; THEN MAYBE we'll chat!
Unknown Lazy - 16 years, 7 months, 27 days ago
I have new Spam in my "Many Thumbs for Charity" herd. If you thumb me there & leave a comment letting me know how many pages you thumb'd; I WILL return the favor! I'm just looking for a few extra points. :)
Unknown Lazy - 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago

I know everyone has about a million herds that they belong to. But if you are tired of the same'o 20 pages of spam, come check out one of my herds!

(I put a description of the herd if anyone is interested!) :)

A place for friends of Charity's to get a little extra thumbin' in. :)
This is a place for chat. (all topics welcome....just be prepared for different opinions) You can bitch, scream, post interesting links to share, make new friends, be goofy...etc. ENDLESS posibilities. I personally always end up talking to myself in this herd. (others are guilty of this too) :) I also like to post stupid "question of the days" in the discussion area. You never have to answer them if you don't want to. :)
***If you need some extra points, EVERYONE is allowed to spam 2 pages PER DAY****
Also, if you are going to post, please thumb everyone else in the herd. It's only fair.
I do have a personal herd if you only wish to thumb me.

Unknown Lazy - 16 years, 8 months, 16 days ago
I have a few new shop items! Check em' out! :)
Unknown Lazy - 16 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
Baby's First Doctor Visit

A woman and a baby were in the doctor's examining room,
Waiting for the doctor to come in for the baby's first exam.
The doctor arrived, and examined the baby,
Checked his weight, and being a little concerned,
Asked if the baby was breast-fed or bottle-fed.

'Breast-fed,' she replied.
'Well, strip down to your waist,' the doctor ordered.
She did. He pinched her nipples, pressed, kneaded, and
Rubbed both breasts for a while in a very professional
And detailed examination.

Motioning to her to get dressed, the doctor said,
'No wonder this baby is underweight.
You don't have any milk.'

I know,' she said,
'I'm his Grandma,
But I'm glad I came.
Unknown Lazy - 16 years, 8 months, 23 days ago
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Well Damn....that was short lived....
I'm glad that tale wasn't directed at me.... :) ...or was it??? hehe...
Have a great day Charity...
your northern "BuD" buddy...
matt "Matt" Carefree - 16 years, 7 months, 24 days ago

You have been given a sexy dance.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "HardWood :-)" tired - 16 years, 7 months, 24 days ago

You have been given Normal People.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "HardWood :-)" tired - 16 years, 7 months, 24 days ago
Nicole Marie
You have been given Fountain of Happiness.
Crafted by Unknown
Nicole Marie "My Tranquility" *something wittys here* - 16 years, 7 months, 25 days ago

You have been given You Brighten My World :).
Crafted by Lily
gkgkgkgkgkkggkkgk Content - 16 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
Glad i was able to send some points your way :)
Unknown "Kokanee Gold" Playful - 16 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
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Unknown's shop

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a cat nap
1 use

105 pts
a cat nap
Bought by 37 people
a cute little kitty
1 use

105 pts
a cute little kitty
Bought by 35 people
a romantic evening on the beach
1 use

110 pts
a romantic evening on the beach
Bought by 76 people
a sunset in Kauai
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110 pts
a sunset in Kauai
Bought by 51 people
A Hero
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125 pts
A Hero
Bought by 9 people
Eternal Peace
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125 pts
Eternal Peace
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Thoughts of You
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Thoughts of You
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Missing You
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Missing You
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Tenderly Loved
1 use

125 pts
Tenderly Loved
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Always Cherished
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Always Cherished
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Never let Go
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125 pts
Never let Go
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Evil or Bad: Your Choice
1 use

125 pts
Evil or Bad: Your Choice
Bought by 12 people
a night filled with desire.
1 use

150 pts
a night filled with desire.
Bought by 155 people
Uh Oh!
1 use

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Uh Oh!
Bought by 4 people
Kidnapped :)
1 use

175 pts
Kidnapped :)
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