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Unknown's tales
Unknown "Jangles" Sparkling - 16 years, 4 months, 15 days ago
Diary of fayth PART II

Dear diary.

Last night I met a boy. I couldn’t sleep last night, so I went to take a walk. I strolled down the street, taking in the view of the stars that I couldn’t see in the city. In the distance I could see a streetlight flickering in the night. I don’t know why but I walked all the way down to that flickering streetlight. I planed to go all the way to the park at the other end of the street but i didn’t. I stopped there under the streetlight. I don’t remember stopping, or why, but i did. I lit a cig, and stared down at my shoes. A creaking caught my attention, a swing set in a yard, a swing blowing in the wind. I looked up at the moon. It was a full moon, round and bright. I stood there for i don’t know how long and just stared at the moon. But I looked away, and a little house across the street caught my eye. A green porch light, clashing with the blue color of the house. I just kept staring, couldnt take my eyes off it. Something about that house, made me feel like i was being watched. I turned and walked back down the street a little ways. Then stopped and sat on the curb. I was distracting myself with a little ant on the curb next to me. The little guy, on a mission. A creaking from across the street made me lose interest. A boy walked out of the house blue house. He had black hair with a blonde over layer, he wore a black band t-shirt, and tight jeans, with a studded belt. He was so gorgeous.
i tried not to stare as he walked across the street. He stopped under the flickering street light. He then looked over at me and i nervously looked away, pretending to be occupied with the little ant again. I heard foot steps of his high top converses make their way in my direction. I looked over to see him only a few paces away form me.
hi, im ryan, he said.
I smiled, and responded. Hi im Paige.
thats how the night began.
and it would also be how it ended.
Unknown "Jangles" Sparkling - 17 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
Diary of fayth PART I

O' journal of mine.

Last night I met a girl. I don’t know why, but I woke up at 3 in the morning last night, and something drove me too look out the window. I sat there for half an hour, in the dark, looking out across the street. The one streetlight flickered in the dark. Nothing else moving, but then something caught my eye. A girl was walking down the street. She was white with jet-black hair. She was wearing a black t-shirt with something written on it in red, white sleeves coming from under the first layer. A studded belt with a large silver buckle, worn with tight gray faded jeans. She had on a few studded armbands that glistened in the light.
Her walking was paced, and as she came closer I could make her out better in the dim glow of the streetlight. She was what judgmental people would call emo. Her silver belt buckle was none other then jack the pumpkin king. Her shirt read, worship the ground I rock on. She. She was absolutely gorgeous. Hips that were smooth and voluptuous, such beautiful curves.
She stopped under the streetlight. Lit a cigarette, and just stood there, dead in her tracks. I moved closer to the window, drawn to her. She stared at the ground then up at a swing set at the house opposite mine. She was right in front of my house, but on the opposite side of the street. She was looking up at the full moon for quite sometime, before changing her stare straight at my house. I don’t know what it was but she stood there for a good 10 minutes, just staring at my house. Then she turned and walked back the way she came. Stopping a few houses down to sit on a high curb. I don’t know if it was the glow of the green porch light or the way she stared but something drove me to go outside. Something pushed me.
I walked out the front door, the sound of the creaking drawing her attention to me. I don’t remember the walk over. I don’t know if I walked straight for her, or made it look as if i had other business, but somehow I went over and introduced myself.
Hi. I’m Ryan.
Unknown "Jangles" Sparkling - 17 years, 1 month, 13 days ago

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grace andrew
by grace
Hello, how are you doing? i hope fine and all is good to you,am miss grace,Nice to meet u dear i want to be your friend , kindly indicate your interest in me by sending mail me here my private email ( ) so my photos will send you ok. Thanks and a nice day'''''(grace) ( )
grace andrew "Tuesday's Grace" - 10 years, 10 months, 20 days ago
hello duck
Unknown "devorino" Lonely - 16 years, 1 month, 15 days ago
Dont party too hard....
You have been given Thinking of you this Halloween.
Crafted by Lainey B
Rob "perfect" Purring - 16 years, 4 months, 10 days ago
John R-'Shadow'

You have been given Just PasSing AlonG......
Crafted by John R-'Shadow'
John R-'Shadow' Relaxing.... ... . - 16 years, 4 months, 17 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #525) *dry-cleaned* You have been dry-cleaned
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 6 months ago
Unknown "NOT FOR SALE" Adored - 16 years, 6 months, 3 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Burning bridges, making wishes<3

we make time stop...
and your heart drop...

We sell things to make you smile, and your heart skip a beat <3

A Candied Cherry kiss
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A Candied Cherry kiss
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A Bubble Gum Kiss
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A Bubble Gum Kiss
Bought by 13 people
A Creamy Candy Kiss
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250 pts
A Creamy Candy Kiss
Bought by 9 people
A Honey Sweet Kiss
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250 pts
A Honey Sweet Kiss
Bought by 36 people
A Rainbow Kiss
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250 pts
A Rainbow Kiss
Bought by 9 people
A Guardian Angel
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555 pts
A Guardian Angel
Bought by 9 people
The Key To My Heart
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500 pts
The Key To My Heart
Bought by 7 people
A Red Rose
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A Red Rose
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I Love You
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I Love You
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I <3 You
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I &lt;3 You
Bought by 12 people

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