1. When expectations are high and not met, all there is is disappointment.....
Quite disappointed with Janell Yeo's performance. Sneaked off during the intermission to have dinner with Miss D.
2. When expectations are low and still not met, something is wrong!
We had dinner at the Thai Express at Explanade. The service was horrid. The staff were sloppy. Not just in terms of the service they provided (what service?!), even the way they dressed and carried themselves was sloppy!
Our whole dining experience was horrible! It started when we asked for plates coz we shared entrees. The waiter placed both platesm still stacked on top of each other, in the space on my left. He didn't even bother to set the plates for us!
Then another waitress came to inform us they didn't have ice cream and can't make the drink Miss D ordered. That's fine. So Miss D changed her order. But the same waitress forgot to serve the drink till we asked what happened. They actually prepared the drink but left it in the blender and forgot to serve it. Faintz....
The best part was when we asked for the bill. Yet another waitress came to faciliate the process (basically they were overstaffed....there were less than 10 customers in the restaurant). She came back with my card and handed me the receipt and card. I looked at her in disbelief and she didn't get the hint. All she did was look blankly back at me. I asked her don't I need to sign on the charge slip? She muttered an "Oh" and continued to look at me. I looked at her and asked, "Can I have a pen?" How the hell am I to sign without a pen? Can't believe she didn't register that!!! So she strolled off to look for a pen at the cashier. Took her a few minutes to search for one. By the time she returned, I signed on the slip with my own pen. Can't believe it man!
Miss D was joking that I should have cancelled the service charge on the charge slip and refuse to pay them that 10%!!! lol
But overall, it was a great evening. Had a great time coz of Miss D!
Unknown Festive
- 17 years ago