I am brand new to this Human Pets thing here and I will be totally honest with you. I bought you as a pet for two reasons. 1st, because you are Beautiful and 2nd, because I could afford you.
I know this is all just for fun as are most FaceBook Applications and I just want you to know I am just a simple guy from Crestview Florida and I am in no way a "Nut Job"...
I named you "Sundancer" after a a famous horse of Fable
Perhaps you would like to consider having me as a new friend here too on FaceBook.
So, I sent you a "POKE" & if you are interested in starting a new friendship too, just send me a "POKE" back and we can begin a new and wonderful friendship together...
Since rely ~ Your New Owner and Friend
"Fly Boy"Loving
- 17 years, 2 months, 3 days ago