Okk... So not alot has been happening... School is good, still trying to find a job that i'll enjoy... thinking about moving to america to join the FBI :)
But i never said that, it's classefied and you WILL forget that you read it! haha.
So i have this theory that I'm addicted to some things. no not drugs!
but McDonalds, Post mixed coca-cola, Two minute Noodles, My weekly pilgrimidge into town to get trashed.. (you know you love the photos!) talking, facebook, sonny bill williams and lord of the rings.
There isnt much i can really do.. but if anyone knows sonny bill williams or orlando bloom.. for the love of god! send them to me immediatly ;)
So after a chat with a friend who called me an addict and told me my liver probably doesnt exist anymore. i thought we'll an addict would shun these comments and go into town.. SO EFF YOU HOMIE. now im sitting at home watching harry potter, waiting for little nicky to come on.. and im wondering.. why the fuck do i care about what she thinks? ill only be young and hot once! it would look worse if i was forty and still skankin it up!
So who knows maybe ill go get dressed and go out.. or maybe ill just wait until next week.. who knows! tune in next week to find out if i leave the house or not!!
In the meanwhile.. some funny photos to tide you all over ;)
Unknown "♥Pookie♥" Adventurous
- 16 years, 11 months, 7 days ago