I hope by now I have learned....
what it's like with you....
and learned not to go back....
to the chaos....
to the never-ending stress, lies, twisted truths and tears....
into the never-ending cycle of being your "friend".
no matter how seemingly minuscule....
or "forgiving" in your eyes....
they became links to my emotional insanity....
because I let it bother me....
which gave you your fuel, you attention....
what you have always loved....
more than any friendship.
I don't care what you thought of me then....
nor what you think of me now....
I will never let you be a part of my life again....
get over it. get used to it.
I know you better than you think....
no matter how you try to sway others off track....
you will never be yourself....
not when someone has something you want....
and that belief is known to many.
and you will never be happy....
not when you're blind to the graves being dug....
for your life.
I will not be your escape....
I will not be your scapegoat....
I will not be your "friend".
I don't need you anymore....
I'm stronger now....
and you can't sway me to your will....
not any more.
Unknown "Will's Amy" Sleepy
- 16 years, 4 months, 15 days ago