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"Tha Lextor "
"not for sale"
4000 pts
"90's Win. NFS!"
250 pts
"Sexy Butler. NFS"
250 pts
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Unknown's tales
New Years Eve 2007.... was quite possibly one of the weirdest nights of my life. In that it went by so fast and it feels like it was a million years ago now. Well, i'll start from the beginning.... I met some of the DSC for the first time (which was soooo exciting) and then it started to get manic!! home made board games (even tho we only played one, it was of immense awesomeness!!) trips to the shop whilst trying to remember how to speak Klingon, Heads Shoulders Knees & Toes for the 21st century, random videos, djing with an IPod, bean bags as hats, one of the coolest cocktails ever, the beer quimMing at the slightest whisper of Dino's name and renaming my boobs after 2 male members of the DSC. Just some of the random acts of tomfoolery!! and I can't wait for the next meet up!!! :D
Unknown "Tha Lextor " Purring
- 17 years, 2 months, 14 days ago
Ok, so, I'm 16 years old and I've gone to Coventry with a group of mate (Randerz, Tim/De Walking, Bex and Brother Rhys) to go to a gig at the Superbowl (or summat like that!! lol) and on the way, we bought alcohol (as you do) As the night went on, you could see everyone getting more and more drunk. At one point, me and De Walking are sat in a bar after Randerz has been removed. Cue Randerz launching herself (from the outside) at the floor to ceilings windows and acting like she was possessed. I started laughing coz it was funny!! (and it really was!!) At which point, the manager throws me and De Walking out of the bar saying "thats the last time I let 'special people' into my fkn bar!!' lmao. I don't think I'll ever get over Randerz being called "Special"
Unknown "Tha Lextor " Purring
- 17 years, 2 months, 21 days ago
Here you can buy pretty much whatever your pet could wish for. Don't see what you're looking for? message me and within the hour, there will be!!! Happy shopping!!!
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Fabulous Day 😊
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I lol'd At You, Not With You :)
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