Dressin up is such fun :) especially wiv others who have similar mentalities :) whoo hoo!!!
Unknown "Cheeky" Tired
- 16 years, 4 months, 15 days ago
well...back at uni....yay.....its great seeing my mates again, missed all my good mates, but def didnt miss the "we are the greatest" people in the class....the really evil part of me wants them to fail miserably....but then i know they will be the annoying ones who actually end up doing really well, whilst the rest of us are still stuggling....still, alot can happen.....lifes funny like that
Unknown "Cheeky" Tired
- 16 years, 5 months, 19 days ago
why is it that with only a couple of wrongly taken words, something can be lost forever? this is an arguement i have with myself often when ive mucked things up without meaning to. all i did was open my mouth.....perhaps i shouldnt talk at all.............
Unknown "Cheeky" Tired
- 16 years, 6 months, 5 days ago
all i wanna do is go to sleep...yet no matter what..I just cant switch off! and when I finally DO...end up sleeping through the day and waking up when there is absolutely NOTHING open so I cant physically do the stuff I wanted to do that day!Oh well...guess I'll figure somthing out!
Unknown "Cheeky" Tired
- 16 years, 6 months, 11 days ago
am happy now got a new owner!! was beginning to think noone wanted me! :( *does a happy dance*
Unknown "Cheeky" Tired
- 16 years, 6 months, 12 days ago