1. What is in the back seat of your car right now? Nothing i cleaned it out yesterday..yay for me!!
2. When was the last time you threw up? -- 5 days ago
3. What’s your favorite curse word?-- Cunt
4. Name three people who made you smile today -- Ryan, Aiden, Phil
5. What were you doing at 8am this morning? -- Eating Weetbix and checking FB (me addicted ...Nooooooo!!)
6. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? -- Checking facebook (omg i think i do need help!)
7. What will you be doing 3 hours from now? -- Checking FB.....no i will be having dinner
8. Have you ever been to a strip club? -- No
9. What’s the last thing you said aloud? -- Feck
10. What is the best ice cream flavor? -- Choc mint
11. What is the last thing you had to drink? -- Water
12. What are you wearing right now? -- Adidas trakky gym clothes
13. What was the last thing you ate? -- Cheese/tomato toasted sandwich
14. Have you bought any new clothing items this week? -- Just swimmers
15. When was the last time you ran? -- 15 mins ago...treadmill
16. What’s the last sporting event you watched? -- Footy
17. Who’s the last person you e-mailed? -- My friends too many to type.......
18. Ever go camping? -- Yes when i was younger
19. Do you have a tan? -- Haven't hit summer here yet so not much
20. Do you drink your soda from a straw? -- I guess sometimes depends whether i feel like sucking it through a straw *thinking weird question*
21. Are you someone’s best friend? -- I have many friends
22. What are you doing tomorrow? -- I dunno yet you got any plans??
23. Where is your mom right now? -- At home she just rang
24. Look to your left. What do you see? -- A door
25. What color is your watch? -- Dont wear a watch but if i had one it would def be purple!
26. What comes to mind when you think of Australia? -- Big sandy beaches
27. Would you consider plastic surgery? -- Yes
28. What is your birthstone? -- I think its Alexandrite?! Im a Gemini
29. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? -- Both
30. How many kids do you want? -- 3-4
31. Do you have a dog? -- No
32. Last person you talked to on the phone. -- Mum
33. Have you met anyone famous? -- No not really no one special anyway, seen famous ppl never met them as such
34. Any plans today? -- Gotta have a shower when i finish this thats about as far ahead as i am thinking at moment
35. Ever go to college? -- No
36. Where are you right now? -- At home sitting on an exercise gym ball in the study bouncing away to music
37. Biggest annoyance in your life right now? Better not say
38. Last song listened to? -- Hot N Cold by Katy Perry
39. Are you allergic to anything? -- Cats furr
40. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? -- I prefer no shoes around house other wise sandals
41. Are you jealous of anyone? -- You!
42. Who is your favorite actor? -- No one in particular
43. What time is it? -- 3:00pm
44. Do any of your friends have children? -- yes
45. Do you eat healthy? -- most of the time i try to
46. What do you usually do during the day? -- What dont i do!
47. Who did you last kiss? -- Ha ha thats for me to know :P
48. Have you ever been to Europe? --Yes
49. Name one thing you’d still like to do. -- Travel
50. Favorite color? -- Purple
Unknown "٩ Sharonm ۶" Inspired
- 16 years, 3 months, 17 days ago