When you put your arms around me,
the cares of the world disappear.
If the movie is scary, your warn me when the bad moments are coming-
and put your arm around me until their over
You sometimes call me "Darling",
that's so romantic.
When you don't call,
I stand over the phone
and ask it to ring.
You don't expect me to ask your permission to do whatever I want to do,
but you definitely want to be consulted when my activities have an impact on you.
That's reasonable, and I go for reasonable.
You don't take me too seriously when I'm acting like a control freak.
Hang in there, I'm working on it.
I understand perfectly that you have to have nights out with the boys,
and you understand that I need my nights out with the girls, too.
Good manners are as important to you as they are to me.
You notice when something is bothering me and you ask about it.
Most guys would pretend nothing is wrong until whatever it was either went away or turned into a crisis.
When I have a problem at work,
you listen attentively and ask good questions until I find my way to a solution by myself.
I feel better, magically, when you're near me.
You never try to rearrange
A. my kitchen drawers
b. my desk
c. my living room
d. my calendar
e. my life
Unless I asked you to.
You treat me with respect.
Dawn "True Romantic" Courageous
- 15 years, 11 months, 26 days ago