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"Girl Next Door"
"Prince Charming"
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Unknown's tales
Lily Issue No. 3 - Immediate Turnoffs Well readers, it's been awhile since I've been on here, let alone written something new. I thought I'd touch base on Immediate Turnoffs. Talking about your Ex. Plain and simple, you're not making her feel very special and like the 'only one' when you're blabbing about other girls you've stuck it to. In fact, best not to mention any other girls in general. Excessive Aggression. If you come on too strongly, you'll never succeed. This includes uninvited grabbing, being vulgar, begging, and forcefulness. You may end up with a face full of pepper spray. Poor hygiene. If you need an explanation you must be a lonely slob. Low confidence. I'm sorry but we want a man and not some 'petite personage'. For more fun and interesting reads, check out my group: The Night Scene. http://humanpets.com/herdProfile.php?hid=14206
Unknown "Girl Next Door" Sleepy
- 17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago
Lily Issue No. 2- The Top 10 Reasons Why Girls Cheat. 10. Too little sex. This may sound strange but for older women it happens a lot. Work, children, responsibilities in general change things and suddenly sleep becomes far more important than sex. 9. Temptation. Yes girls do have lapses in judgment. 8. Self-esteem. This one is self explanatory. Sleep with someone hot; its an instant fix. 7. Payback / Punishment. You've done something wrong and she's going to make you pay for it and possibly have a little bit of fun doing it. 6. Lack of intimacy. This may not have to do with sex at all but someone being there for them and to hold them. They may look elsewhere if you're not there to catch her. 5. Neglect. You have to look after your girl or she'll look over you. 4. A bigger better deal. Yes the dreaded BBD. Someone may come and steal her heart away. 3. Boredom. Another self explanatory one. Routine is the death of any good and steamy relationship. 2. Exit strategy. Sometimes it's much easier to cheat than to deal with all the emotional difficulties of trying to patch things up in a doomed relationship or deal with overly obsessive men who swear they'll change but won't. 1. Revenge for your cheating. Yes the number one reason why girls cheat is because you did it first. This is a taste of your own medicine served cold and perhaps with a side of your best friend to ruin 2 relationships at the same time. For more fun and interesting reads, check out my group: The Night Scene. http://humanpets.com/herdProfile.php?hid=14206
Unknown "Girl Next Door" Sleepy
- 17 years, 2 months, 3 days ago
Someone recently asked me why the sky is blue. I have both a scientific answer and a more romantic one. The stars once freely looked down upon the Earth at their leisure. They mocked its red glow and molten covered surface. "It's too cold to be a sun, too warm to have an ocean, and not bright enough to be anything at all" said the stars. The heavens knew better than to take for granted the poor, and took pity upon the lonely planet. Failing rain fell from the sky. Worried the stars would destroy the Earth in its newfound beauty, the heavens wrapped it in a blue blanket. Now only at night the stars see the silhouettes of the sleeping world. The sky is blue because the light from the sun refracts off the moisture in the atmosphere. As sunlight bares directly down through the mainly nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen atmosphere, the most commonly refracted colours in the rainbow are blues, violets, and purples. Thus giving us our blue skies. However, when the thickness of our atmosphere changes, like during sunset and the sun beams on an angle thus passing through more atmosphere, we see more pinks, purples, oranges, and reds.
Unknown "Girl Next Door" Sleepy
- 17 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
Am I The Devil if I make people believe whatever they want to?
Unknown "Girl Next Door" Sleepy
- 17 years, 2 months, 15 days ago
Asking for my modeling photos? Here's the deal. Anything you upload to Facebook, they legally gain the rights to. i.e. u upload a picture of yourself and they can sell it, put it on one of their advertisements, modify and post it etc. etc. It's all stated in their terms of use when you first sign up. All of my modeling photos are commercially done and under contract, thus also copyrighted by the photographer, modeling company, publisher, developer, magazine, and talent agency. So if you're wanting those photos you'll have to go out and find them.
Unknown "Girl Next Door" Sleepy
- 17 years, 2 months, 17 days ago
The Night Scene
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