"gummy bears♥"Nervous
- 16 years, 13 days ago
oh you did it...:D....yes can use only once...:( but inmarket..just check it out ...i think there are some stuffs which you an use more den once......:}
hahaha...thats wad everyone says.....:D i wish i was from therr.... okay.....first you have to buy stuffs.....check my profile below...there is my shop...you can buy it from there or other people shops too... (for more optios you can go to "market"....top right and side.) then go to profile.....where u write this message....above that can you see "Add an item"?????press dat.....click on your item want...then close it.....and post it....yu can write messages along with it.. there you go...simple..try it ...if you still have a problem tell me,....:D have a nce day!!!!