Time: Sophomore year in high school. Day of the Hawaiian dance.
Place: Starts at Red Lobster and ends at the dance.
People: Me and Mike
Here's what went down:
Mike and I come up with the idea of barging in on Cody and Chrissy at Red Lobster and steal some biscuits. Since it was no fun doing that, the next place on our great fiasco weekend was the party store in which we picked up a bottle of that window paint you use on your cars to decorate. I spot Cody's truck (something that cannot be missed) and proceed with writing Pussy Wagon on the back windows. (::Note: Cody is the gayest thing on two legs:: )The side windows are adorned with boobs on one side and a dick on the other. We also scripted Cody: Superstud and Chrissy: Superfox on their respected sides of the truck. The reason for this whole thing was for kicks.
Now that the truck has been spruced up by professional car decorators, we head to Cristi's Pizza and get medium cheese and sausage. (I would have preferred a BLT or pepperoni) Mike paid, how sweet he is. We get to eating and realize we missed the beginning of the play. Oh well, there's a playstation and a movie with both our names on it in my basement.
In the basement, the movie of the night was Wet Hot American Summer. I say this is not a porn movie, I repeat, not porn. It was a really good movie overall. The dance was well underway and instead of paying, me and Mike will just go in the back door.
Like two secret agent people, we sneak in through the courtyard and enter the dance. First thing that Zack tells me is: "So, what's the website address?" I was oblivious to this question. I keep getting asked things like, "There's a website?" and "Heard about you and Kirby(Mike)." Finally I pull someone aside and ask what the hell is going around. Found out that Cody got revenge on me and Kirby by starting a rumor that me and Kirby made a porno together and is on the web for all to see! Kirby and I were going to bash Cody's head in we were both so pissed about it. What we did to his truck was not near as low as what he did to us.
Present: As me and Kirby would put: "Good Times. Good Times"
Unknown "Too Cute!" Lonely
- 17 years, 26 days ago