A quiet prayers goes to the victims of the landslide in Bukit Mewah, Bukit Antarabangsa.When first time heard of the news was thinking OMG again landslide in KL area...the recently one at the CIMB bank nearby and damaged a few cars and not sure got casuality...Then this..claimed 4 victims and missing 9...14bungalows.Nowadays ppl like was so fragile....die so easily...today u see him or her and the person might be gone the next day...I am feeling so insecure now...cos u never know when u going to lost ur loved one...I really wish GOD dun be so cruel to all of us...by taking away someone important to us so easily...So i always miss everyone I know and appreciates each one of them including the one i hates.(smile and finger cross) at least try my best to appreciate the lesson they teaches me...without those nasty people I never appreciates everything around me that much...Thanks to all jerks,biatch and watever ur name is...GBU all out there... Chubbyangel "Soh Chu Chu"Loving
- 16 years, 3 months, 24 days ago
This is really a touching song...here is the lyrics for it:
Once upon a time Archangel in the sky Made a cover every night
Once upon a time The angel loved me so It'a miracle In the snow, my heart won't be cold
My Dear You are my angel Tell me what you know Something should be told
My Dear You are my angel Tell me where you go I will prance behind your flow
Once upon a time My angel gave me life
Chubbyangel "Soh Chu Chu"Loving
- 16 years, 5 months, 1 day ago
Today I am havign a bad day~~ A real bad one...cos ealry morning already got demanding clients and then got one asking me not to ask him stupid question and I have no choice I just hung him up cos I dun deal with stupid client.I wanted to help him but he just reject it rudely.I just dun understand what they have in mind?Do you think that ppl who work in service line are here for you to abuse?U stupid shit head! I just realise that how I being valued all the while...No matter how good I do...hahaha just ZERO.U worth nothing Emily. U just a piece of ****! Now u dun even deserve to have the space that you need just be with it or back home and cry ur heart out~~
Why i need to torture myself this way???Why I love the job that torture me so much???I am really a stupid shithead! Chubbyangel "Soh Chu Chu"Loving
- 16 years, 5 months, 1 day ago
funnily this song bring tears when I watched this movie last few days..I never know I just understand and feel how hurt she feel when she sings this song....Way to go my sweetie~~ Chubbyangel "Soh Chu Chu"Loving
- 16 years, 6 months, 11 days ago
:) Hi everyone...welcome to new members and old members welcome back to visit my page....I just notice that someone bought my pets without telling me and I just wanna give a warn here...anyone out there wanna buy my pets do ask me before u do that...It is really annoying!!!!So stop doing that! Chubbyangel "Soh Chu Chu"Loving
- 16 years, 6 months, 27 days ago